
TOPIC: Sensory Education Natural Environmental Psychology Studies Improve Health, Stress Management and Jobs.


HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing Online: degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance your personal and professional goals. Our grant-funded, organic methods and materials help you safely tap into and benefit from the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry.

Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and friendships. Help reduce stress and increase well-being in people and the environment. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.

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Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council

  • Distance learning that enhances expertise and spirit in any subject or discipliine.
  • Benefit from accredited university or college environmental focus CEU online courses training grants and ecologically sound degree programs.
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  • Reduce stress. Add the sunlight and beauty of nature's intelligent grace, balance and restorative powers to your professional or personal life.

Out of habit, most of us suffer disorders because, from early childhood on, our leaders socialize us to believe a critical lie. Do you, or others you know, suffer from this practice? A remedy for this hurtful distortion is readily available.





















































Organic Psychology: Sensory Environmental Education Studies Improve Learning and Relationships

We Unnecessarily Suffer Stress And Disorders Because We Are Victims Of A Lie Perpetrated by Education, Psychology and Health Leaders.

SYNOPSIS (may be published as an announcement)

A newly discovered organic form of Psychology intelligently helps us stop living an environmental lie that starts in early childhood. The lie makes us believe that we live on the surface of Planet Earth. But we don't. We live 300 miles deep in our planet, imbedded in, and nurtured by, its biosphere. The lie leads us to spend, on average, 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling while estranged from the self-correcting and purifying ways of natural systems in the biosphere. Our extreme detachment stops the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems from recycling contamination in how we think and feel. This causes us to suffer our greatest personal and environmental disorders. To our benefit, intelligent Organic Psychology sensory techniques genuinely reconnect us to nature. They empower us to let natural systems help us remedy our personal and environmental dysfunctions.

See results at: http://www.ecopsych.com/survey6.html

See article, available for publication, at: http://www.ecopsych.com/articlekey.html

Review the 2007 tenth anniversary edition of Reconnecting With Nature

Act now. Master Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our

Experience a nature-connecting exploration activity from Reconnecting With Nature. Discover, hands-on, its benefit to you. (Bookmark this page first or return here using "back" or "go" in the menu)


Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology:
Incorporate the values of educating, counseling and healing with nature



An Organic Psychology Report from a Course Participant

"It is dark outside; I can only see the shape of the trees, the grass and the mountains around me (natural sense #1). What stands out the most about this moment is the sound of the crickets and other insects. As I pay attention to it I realize the sound is loud and it is coming from everywhere. Focusing on it for a few minutes induces a state of deep relaxation in me; I am grateful for this sound, a sound that humans have fallen sleep to for millions of years. I am not surprised this sound relaxes me; my brain has evolved to fall asleep to it. This is the first connection I find: I realize my relaxation , which is closely connected to the sound of the crickets (natural sense #10). The sound of the crickets is probably connected to something that is attractive to them, such as female crickets. Now this is an assumption that I can only guess using abstract thinking and not other senses, because I cannot see it happening.

I did get the feeling that there was cohesiveness out in nature in this calm night. I felt very connected to the sound of the crickets and felt that this connection was much older and much larger than me. I feel in a similar way when I read the natural sense #45. I feel I am actually a result of a desire to be, a love. Because there was a desire to be I came to be. And this is not limited to the cells in my body that have and have had a desire to be; also the rest of nature, where I have come from and that I owe who I am. These connections and desires to be are much older than me; I came out of them.

I learned that I come out of ancient connections that have existed long before me, and those connections, that are still present today, determine many aspects of my life (e.g. the sound of the crickets that I fall asleep to) and I am a person who gets good feelings from relaxing with the sound of crickets. I also recognize that I get good feelings from knowing that the connections that are part of my life are the connections that made me.

To complete this activity the next morning I arose and seeing the sun come up I realize that I love the sunrise because the new day reminds me that new life is possible. The new day is new opportunity. The emerging light awakens my soul. The feeling of connectedness is particularly strong in the early morning hours. The beauty of the colors of the sunrise is beyond description. The vastness of the sky is powerful in its reassurance.

As the activity directs, I will now replace the sunrise with myself in the previous statement. Here is how it reads, now:

I love myself because I remind myself that new life is possible. I am new opportunity. The emerging light in me awakens my soul. My feeling of connectedness is particularly strong in the early morning hours. The beauty of my colors is beyond description. The vastness of me is powerful in its reassurance.

I feel about myself in this light, I feel grateful for me. It feels like the truth about me. There is a resonance of recognition about it. I feel like I am getting reacquainted with the real me. I haven,t frequently felt this way in the past- due to my nature disconnected thinking. But now- I know better.

I've learned that I am an incredibly valuable part of the grandeur that is nature.Nature is unlimited in its ability to love and as a part of nature- so am I. .All there is to do is feel the love that I am as an aspect of nature and let the healing begin.

This activity hugely enhanced my self worth and trustfulness of nature. I discovered that it is reasonable to unashamedly have our senses of reason, language, and consciousness validate our hidden sensory connections with nature and enjoy the responsible rewards this whole brain connection produces. There is a joy I feel with this re-acquaintance. As I recognize the valuable part of nature that I am- everyone and everything around me is better able to see their value as well.

I have woken up each day since this experience with a sense of joy and anticipation for the new day and the new me. I did this exercise with my husband in the early morning hours this morning. He was moved by his own renewal of acquaintance with himself. He smiled gratefully and said, "You tricked me. It was a beautiful moment.

In the trustable, uncontaminated, thought and feeling room/space I have built in my psyche I have placed the awareness that, as a part of the vastness of nature I can trust myself, knowing that all that is nature is with me and is me."

Act now. Master Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our


Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology

For additional information contact Dr. Cohen at 360-378-6313 mailto:nature@interisland.net, http://www.ecopsych.com

To help your community overcome NSD, you may publish or link to two free NSD articles .

Let us know if you use either of them and we will place a link to you from our link page.






















Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited New York nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature



Results of the application of Organic Psychology to a wide range of disciplines and interests:

In the center section of the pages, below, you will find reports from other online Course Participants about the application of Organic Psychology to:

Home Schooling

Grace and Intelligence
Global Warming
Basic Problems
Adult Education
Active health
Environment Home Job
Counseling teaching
Distorted Thinking
Gobal solution

Who am I
Vision dreams
Native American
Stop Global Warming

Creative writing
Depression Hurt
World Student
Wilderness Values
Jesus Therapy
Jesus spirit
Passion and Patience

Global Knowledge
Earth Dance
Meditation Business 
Social Science
Great Understanding
Trees and Forests
Stop/Prevent War
Topics of Interest
Dysfunctional Leaders


Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!




"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 95 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally receive from natural systems and their eons of experience. Our hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to repair the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.






Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine



Grant-funded, social and environemntal science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online






"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

- Albert Einstein.


