
ProjectNatureConnect (PNC)
The Organics of Applied Ecopsychology in Action

Education, Counseling and Healing With Nature Online

Email: nature@interisland.net Telephone: 360-378-6313

Warrantied equivalent or advanced
CERTIFIED ORGANIC courses for career or degree training.

Homepage: Ecopsychology In Action. Learn how to create moments that let Earth teach.

Certified Organic: Live the GreenWave Art of Pure Science and Spirit Read our free introductory article and self-socialization course.


Purpose, Mission and Operation

in 1987, Project NatureConnect is independently created, owned and operated by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. and is also an NPO 501(c)(3) in some states.  It is staffed by volunteers with expertise in its online, learn-by-doing and teaching process in a natural area, anywhere. That area is Nature, the professor, campus and library of the eons. This is because, scientifically and spiritually, since before and after forever, Nature is its love to become life.

The 2017 Mission of PNC is to help individuals and groups add the process of Revolutionary Wisdom to their thinking, feeling, relationships, livelihood and socialization so that they are CERTIFIED ORGANIC.  This is accomplished in any natural area by creating 
54-sense moments there that let Earth's life teach its established facts.

In conjunction with natural attractions, backyard or backcountry, PNC's 54-sense organic application of Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy help humanity:

- Blend into the life of Nature and Earth to produce unadulterated, evidence-based, sensory relationships with it that therapeutically increase the well-being of our life, economics, and environment.

- Support 54-sense connecting with the life of nature to increase its organic contributions while reducing  expenses and corruption in

• Education, therapy and mental health
• Physical health, medicine, life and health insurance
• Parenting, welfare, and social services
• Personal, social and international relationships
• Environmental protection, sustainability, and climate change
• Individual, family and spiritual relationships
• Politics, industry, and employment
• Community development and cooperative relationships
• Nature-deteriorating philosophies and institutions
• Imprisonment and military service
• Weddings, meetings, and funerals

Students or participants at Project NatureConnect are independently educated and self-socialized to complete OrganicApplied Ecopsychology  courses, training and degree program requirements of PNC and/or any other organization.

The PNC educating, counseling and healing with Nature process issues warrantied certificates and transcripts that validate an individual or group has, online, expertly mastered adding certified organic, Applied Ecopsychology to their livelihood, areas of interest or expertise.

Parties that offer these CERTIFIED ORGANIC Revolutionary Wisdom services without PNC certification or written permission are liable for copyright infringement and misrepresentation.


DUI: It is illegal to "Drive Under the Influence" (DUI) of substances such as drugs and alcohol because they can produce faulty thinking and relationships that are addictive and can cause hurtful, injurious and/or toxic outcomes. In most of Western Civilization a DUI is punishable by a fine, license recall and/or jail sentence.

The destructive results of DUI are also produced by Education for counseling, healing and socialization that is not fully organic [Educating Under the Influence (EUI)]. It kills or disturbs our thinking, feeling and relationship building in violation of our natural and Constitutional rights to life and free speech.

Since 1974 Educating Under the Influence (EUI) has irreplaceibly overused the life of Earth by 45% while by the same amount increased resource depletion, species extinction, mental illness, obesity, loneliness,   excessive stress and its accompanying disorders.

It is our constitutionally protected right to think and relate in the organic ways of Unified Field Attraction. This is because, in comparison to our normal "5-sense" ways of operating, UFA produces 85% more advanced, 54-sense thinking and relationships and they reduce EUI. Unified Field Attraction's homeostatic process inherently attaches people to the rewards available from the silent, self-correcting and balanced life of Nature and Earth’s organic diversity, beauty, purity, peace, wellness, community and cooperation. 

Unified Field Attraction has the power to eliminate or transform, contemporary humanity’s EUI into the joy of responsible, personal, social and environmental relationships.

The EUI challenge: To our loss, contemporary thinking in Industrial Society supports itself by educating and socializing us with a prejudice against Nature that produces increasing Earth misery. It accomplishes this by paying, empowering and accrediting people to EUI as part of its excessive and profitable exploitation of the life of Nature and Earth.

To counter this catastrophic violation of both the natural and legal rights to life of Earth and its people, PNC refutes the UFA-deficient tenets of USA accredited education. Rather PNC trains and educates the public about accrediting agencies and their collusion with the USA Department of Education. Their combined role in perpetuating EUI Earth Misery erodes, rather than reasonably supports, UFA organics.

PNC encourages, trains, identifies and certifies individuals and groups that have mastered the expedition education process of invoking the organics of UFA Applied Ecopsychology anywhere as described in Revolutionary Wisdom and the other books, methods and materials that PNC develops and distributes.

With deserved respect to PNC's
Unified Field Attraction organic contribution to personal and global well-being, Universities and professional organizations invite PNC trained students to enroll in their programs and have them apply their unique CERTIFIED ORGANIC, UFA/PNC education and expertise to obtain course credit or CEU hours and/or graduate or undergraduate degrees from these organizations.

PNC works in consultation with any institution to assure that it appropriately offers customized
Unified Field Attraction Organic Psychology to help reduce the EUI that they promote.

PNC is rooted in and equivalent and equal to all the central tenets of Industrial society with the added attribute that it incorporates UFA to reverse the parts of our socialization whose EUI has knowingly increased Earth misery since 1974. That was four years after Earth Day and 25 years after the 1948 best seller publications of Fairfield Osborne’s Our Plundered Planet and William Voight’s Road to Survival that predicted today's EUI earth misery. This toxic madness continues to increase globally at this very moment. 
Unified Field Attraction is its antidote.


Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a subsidized sensory aliveness Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate training in conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Eco-therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming


Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology Resources:


Readily available, online, organic psychology tools for the health of person,
planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.


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