HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing: online Human Services degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance personal and professional goals. Our grant-funded methods and materials help you safely tap into the beneficial grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry..

Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and reduce stress and disorders. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.

Visit our Homepage for complete information


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning that increases energy, expertise and spirit.



Journal of


Volume 2005

Institute of Global Education P. O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 360-378-6313 ....










The Organic Psychology Job and
Career Training Program


Revolutionary alternative holistic human service program online: Add to your life and livelihood natural, hands-on accredited training courses and jobs. Benefit from grant-funded career education and degrees that increase sustainable personal and environmental well-being.







Project NatureConnect

Website Search Engine

SYNOPSIS: Revolutionary alternative holistic programs Benefit from natural, hands-on, funded, human service courses and career education training jobs and degrees online. Increase your personal and environmental well-being.



Contact OrganicGuide to participate in it and have your link appear here.


Project NatureConnect
training courses and degree programs






































































Dear Inquirer or Visitor

Thank your for your interest in the benefits of Organic Psychology and the development of OrganicGuide, our job and career program.

In conjunction with cooperating individuals, organizations and agencies like yourself, OrganicGuide trains, funds and makes available personnel with the expertise to facilitate Organic Psychology programs. OrganicGuide can be used in conjunction with Americorps, SeniorCorps and Vista programs as well as for increasing environmentally sound sustainability and well-being in business, social and academic settings.

OrganicGuide contributes to positive change and sustainability. Through the science of Organic Psychology it helps us transform our psychological bonds to destructive relationships into constructive passions, thoughts and acts.

We suffer many problems and discontents because our nature-conquering society exploits our inner nature, our innate desire to form rewarding, supportive survival bonds with the natural world. Our socialization removes our bonds to nature and attaches them to stories, technologies and relationships that have detrimental side effects. This produces the bonded tenacity of our most challenging personal, social and environmental troubles.

By helping our thinking tap into its origins in nature's grace, balance and restorative powers, Organic Psychology enables us to socially re-bond ourselves in ways that increase the health of ourselves and the environment. This frees and increases our ability to learn, grow and enjoy happiness; it reduces our dysfunctions, disorders, addictions, stress and relationship problems.

If this appeals to you or is of interest, read the material below. If you find it agreeable, further information and how to contact us is at the bottom of the page.


Over the past fifty years an unusual set of outdoor education circumstances at Project NatureConnect has produced Organic Psychology, a remarkable social technology. Today, a tested, funded, enabling tool is readily available to give humanity this extraordinary means to improve personal and global well being.

The Institute of Global Education is a non-profit organization where Project NatureConnect seeks caring people as writers, consultants, publicists, funding agents or practioners who want to help increase well-being by incorporating the process of Organic Psychology in their work for public and private sectors.

If Organic Psychology makes sense to you, it indicates that your awareness has taken a step beyond the bonds that keep us on our detrimental treadmill. That's the kind of sustainable thinking we need to improve the welfare of people and the environment and we invite you to contact us.


Organics Make Greater Sense.

Organics work. They reward us for thinking and acting in ways that support nature instead of exploiting it. We benefit because we and the environment are part of nature.

We make greater sense of our lives by using organics to help us personally and professionally purify the pollution found in the environment, our neighborhood and our mentality. They are all interrelated.

Organics are a way of thinking that either avoids harmful things or lets nature transform harmful things into support for life and growth.

Organic thinking has joyfully been applied to gardening, farming, food and many other products. Ask a person who grows an organic garden what they think and feel about it. Ask yourself why you are happier about, and trust, organic products over those that are not organic.

Uniquely, during the past half-century, Project NatureConnect has integrated organics into the fields of counseling, education and healing. The result is an Organic Psychology that helps people create thoughtful sensory moments in natural areas. In these teachable, nature-connected periods and places, the perfection of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers enters our psyche to guide and strengthen our intelligence. It renews our passion to improve our thinking, relationships and spirit at every level; our consciousness and well-being expand.

Folks learn to use the nature-connected thinking process of Organic Psychology via the Internet, or in a local setting, in less than two weeks at three hours/day, or in two months at five hours per week. It enhances any discipline, profession, spirituality or relationship.


Detrimental Disconnection

Organic Psychology helps us address a profound, often hidden problem in our society. The problem is that, to our great hurt and loss, we daily abort our psyche from the natural intelligence and nurturance of its inherentance, its supportive womb in nature. We disconnect it from the spirit, consciousness and wise energies of our Mother Earth.

Although we and our psyche are part of nature, on average, over 95 percent of our time and 99 percent of our thinking is separated from nature. This disengagement from our natural legacy is catastrophic. The way we think becomes harmfully out of tune with way nature's potent balancing and renewing powers work. It leads us to unthoughtgully engage in economics and progress that have us running amok in natural and social life communities.

As demonstrated by many cultures over many millenniums, nature's unifying grace and restorative ways ordinarily support the sanity and well-being of nature-centered people. Natural people, in turn, think in ways that help sustain nature's non-polluting perfection.

But how can nature help us improve or correct our thinking when we have excessively separated our thinking from nature?

An essence of our unsolveable problems is that our excessive separation from nature underlies most of our personal, social and environmental dysfunctions.

With 99 percent of our thinking separated from nature, we are so bewildered (disconnected from wilderness) we don't recognize that, nature-wise, we suffer the mental-emotional shortcomings and restricted bonds of an adult who has been born and raised in a closet. We manage nature and Earth no better than a lobster running Kennedy International Airport.

A major dysfunction we suffer is our bonding to the belief that, contrary to good evidence, we can't benefit from genuinely reconnecting our thinking with nature.


How Organic Psychology Works

Our thinking is our destiny. Organic Psychology provides the co-creative ways and means for us to grow by safely reconnecting our thinking with the way nature produces its optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, peace and balanced perfection. Nature ways accomplish this without producing garbage or our excessive pollution, insanity and abusiveness.

A simple example of Organic Psychology-in-action is the decision to take a walk in the park in order to think or feel better, to clear our head. We benefit from the refreshing mind-set that results from choosing to visit a park's natural area and enjoy nature's renewing ways there. However, most of us don't recognize, or simply reject, that connecting with nature in the park is far more than just "getting away from our problems." It is also a healing process. We usually deny that in the park a touch of nature's powers has revitalized us.

While visiting natural areas, genuine contact with nature's ways provides an antidote for what ails us due to our excessive disconnection from nature. The science of Organic Psychology helps us concentrate and strengthen this phenomenon. It provides us with a nature-reconnecting art that empowers our mentality to thoughtfully and safely tap into nature's healing essence, backyard or backcountry. It enables us to make nature-connected prevention and recuperation available at will, with a pet, aquarium or potted plant. It helps our mind, soul and consciousness benefit from nature's restorative grace.

Organic Psychology works because:

  • It gives our thinking the means to interlace with nature. We become more whole from composting into fertile thoughts the garbage that destructive aspects of society have dumped into our psyche.
  • It helps us to recycle how we think and feel; our renewed psyche and resilience more effectively repair the damage inflicted on ourselves, society and nature.
  • It gives us the power to make sensible changes and refute detrimental bonded relationships. This empowerment erases apathy.
  • It increases our ability to recover from dysfunctions, disorders, addictions, stress and relationship problems, locally and/or globally.

Organic Psychology often seems like a fraudulent "Snake Oil Cure-All" to our nature-disconnected ways of thinking. It remains unbelievable until we engage in it and enjoy its benefits, or our mind acknowledges the validity of an observation by Gregory Bateson and many others: "Our greatest problems result from the difference between how we think and how nature works."

Organic Psychology helps our thinking include nature's balance and regenerative powers by creating nature-connected moments that let Earth teach and become a supportive ally. It gives us the ability to expand our consciousness and strengthen our love for the whole of life. This is important because we only protect what we love.

Organic Psychology is now funded; the accredited distance learning courses and degree programs it offers online are guaranteed affordable.

Obviously, today, the consciousness of our society does not yet hold the welfare of natural systems, around and within us, in high regard. For example, although the benefits of sustainable Organic Farming to the land and people have been well known since 1965, only about 0.2 percent of all U.S. crop land has been certified organic since then, while 70% of song bird populations continue to decline and our cancer rates, dysfunctions and stress levels rise.

With support, Organic Psychology can help us improve our whole-life consciousness and the well-being of all natural systems around and within us. See http://www.OrganicPsychology.com and http://www.ecopsych.com/ for the documented results of Organic Psychology and how you can easily learn to use it.

Does Organic Psychology make sense to you? Can you help its use provide the support and success it needs and vice versa? Is doing this of interest to you?


Become a Trainer

We are developing funding to provide part-time jobs at $20,000/year, or more, for trained individuals to be Internet and/or on-site facilitators for teaching the skills of Organic Psychology to any interested group or organization. Would you or your organization be interested in the free services of such a guide? Would one or more individuals in your program be interested in training as a part-time guide? Can your services help us develop interest in the use of such guides or applying Organic Psychology to contemporary endeavors and relationships?

Thank you for considering this page. We look forward to your suggestions and involvement; we hope to see you listed in the left-hand column as part of this team effort to stop fracturing the wholeness and integrity of the global life community.

Owls and Howls,

Michael J. Cohen


Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the UNESCO
Integrated Ecology/Project NatureConnnect

Chair: Akamai University Applied Ecopsychology
Faculty: Portland State University Extended Studies
Faculty: West Coast University.

P. O. Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250



1. M.J. Cohen Got Nature?

2. M.J. Cohen How You Can Come to Your Senses

3. Project NatureConnect Secrets of the Natural Attractions Trail

4. Project NatureConnect Survey of Participants



Receive inspiring nature-connection quotations by email weekly. Send a blank email to naturequote@aweber.com

After you obtain information about the Project NatureConnect program a free, helpful 15-minute discussion by phone with a faculty member is the most efficient way to customize the program to your goals.

Online Information Guide for Application and Admission






Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Readily available, online, natural science tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.



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