
Green Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career Education Personal and Professional Health and Wellness Training Grants, Employment, Jobs and Hope

Thinking Like a Ph.D. Dissertation Works


The happiness from thinking, feeling and being while embraced by
nature's balanced and unifying ways i
ncreases personal, social and environmental wellness.

Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being

EMAIL: nature@interisland.net
Phone (360) 378-6313 
Skype mjcohen6313


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line

Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies.

We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it.

You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
  • Improve your economics and satisfaction through independent, interdisciplinary or integrated study and Applied Ecopsychology.
  • Help people connect their thoughts and feelings with the self-correcting and renewing ways of nature.
  • Increase personal social and environmental health and wellness.
  • Add the self-correcting sunlight beauty and spirit of the natural world to your life and community.
Visit our Homepage for complete information


The Project NatureConnect Ph.D.
Program and Process

NOTE: Much of the Ph.D. information, below, can be applied as your life-experience and training contribution to your BS, MS, Degree Equivalence or Certificate program with us. 

Often applicants for the Project NatureConnect Ph.D. degree program, or our other programs, say they are interested in them because they have already had profound experiences in nature and they want to do something more with them. With enthusiasm or awe they convey that while in natural areas they have sensed a personal and/or environmental rapture that renewed or purified them. They discovered a greater natural wholeness, presence or being. They embraced a unifying energy, an amazing sensation whose grandeur
, to our loss, most of contemporary society is separated from or continues to conquer. 

Our Ph.D. is designed to help you scientifically strengthen, explain and share that singular force in Nature that you already know and have validated from your exquisite experiences in the natural world or your interest in them. In too many cases, the destructive parts of our established ways have dumbed folks down to omitting the power and integrity of these heartfelt, life-enhancing connection(s) with Nature.

Strong or weak, your fascinating natural area sensory interactions are a firm and established anchor to work from. You save time and money by not having to repeat them and to, instead, scientifically and emotionally reinforce and broaden them through your Ph.D. work, while you help others do the same.

Your PhD can be attained

Through an online group with weekly, course postings by email for the Orientation Course ECO 500A and 500B. You then continuing with that weekly, group scheduled, natural area activity process for the remainder of your coursework. You may use the Revolutionary Wisdom course ECO 800UF in conjunction with completing one or more of your courses along with your comprehensive exam. 


B. As in A, through the online group with weekly, course postings by email for the
Orientation Course ECO 500A and 500B. but then continuing with the self-motivated, non-scheduled, 18-month Sensory Ecology Track (SET) in conjunction with doing an autobiography in the Revolutionary Wisdom course ECO 800UF  along with its members and mentors. You then apply the results of your natural area connections to all your other required SET courses by, at your own pace, solo reading and doing their books and activities to strengthen your already established Revolutionary Wisdom skills and mentor process.  As part of SET “learn by doing” you follow many opportunities to mentor other students with what you have already mastered as you progress. That contribution is the most productive form of study. It’s also the way Nature works for it does not sponsor schools (except of fish <grin>).

You start your doctorate by exploring by phone and then proposing that you be awarded a Ph.D. for a unique contribution you are making or have made in AE. (AE is Project NatureConnect’s Applied Ecopsychology NSTP/GreenWave-54, Organic Psychology degree program).  The rest of your efforts then focus on explaining, validating and defending your proposal and its contents based on the AE expertise you gained from your courses and life experiences. You may state your preliminary Hypothesis at this time and change when appropriate as you proceed.  This is a strong and significant process to establish local and global nine-leg relationships.

You begin by writing for yourself a short autobiography, narrative or outline of things that brought you to enter the PNC degree program. Your autobiography is self-evident for you, you have lived it, it is real.  It must be written as an honest, trustable story that would help an untrained reader accept as an legitimate reason for them to hire you or use your work.

Next, you design your dissertation to support and defend your Ph.D. narrative.  It will convey your knowledge and your unique contribution plus a project and research that you did and its/your outcomes. This strategy is an efficient approach because it ties your information and experience together as an accessible, trustable tool that you defend and this helps eliminate extraneous things. You can focus it all on solving a specific problem if that makes sense in your situation.

You may enlist or hire outside assistance in meeting the requirements for your degree as long as you state in what areas you did this and how they helped you.

Here’s Our
Hypothesis for the Ph.D. Process that we Describe Below

“The scientific use of a hypothesis is helpful in the art of invoking AE through a Ph.D. dissertation whose excellence documents reductions of Industrial Society’s prejudice against nature disorders and promotes personal, social and environmental well-being.”  (36 words)


American Psychological Association(APA) dissertation requirements include the following:

The Hypothesis is limited to 40 words and must be in the form of a statement.

Other Necessary (but whole-life questionable) APA Processes and Requirements:
•    Your abstract should be between 150 to 250 words.
•    Your dissertation should be a minimum of 75 pages. This does not include Appendix’s, the Title Page, Reference Page or Table of Contents.
•    To ensure your dissertation process goes smoothly you should try to submit all of the required Akamai paperwork and obtain a student ID prior to sending your dissertation.
•    You must submit a Student Course Plan Template, (that we send you), with dates of completion so PNC can begin your transcript process. Official transcripts can only be issued by Akamai and will be sent with your degree. PNC can send unofficial transcripts upon request.
•    You must submit a list of all payments made to PNC prior to completion of your dissertation.
•    Upon request, and per the Student Cooperative Contract, you may be required to turn in final papers or exams for your student file.

Before turning in any drafts, you should carefully edit and spell check your work.  Editing occurs at two basic levels:

•    The first is correcting spelling and grammatical errors.  It also involves checking for proper paragraph and sentence structure, consistent use of terms, and variety in word choice.
•    Assessment of the overall structure of the dissertation.  This includes making sure each chapter flows logically from the previous chapter, headings and subheadings are used properly and consistently, and transitions are included between major topics. 
•    During this editing process it will also be determined if any parts of your dissertation needs to be streamlined or expanded.
•    PNC is currently using APA 6.0. PNC is offering APA 6.0 compliant software to assist you. Other academic formats may be accepted when and only if your committee is in full consensus because it will require extra work.
•    Be prepared for revisions after your initial proposal and dissertation submission. Depending on the depth of additional assistance you may need plan for a minimum of 2 months and up to 4 months for revisions and clarification of points in your dissertation.
•    When your dissertation has been edited properly it is officially considered “accepted” and you can complete your oral defense.

The Purpose of the AE Ph.D.
Our most challenging personal and environmental problems result from the difference between how we unreasonably socialize ourselves to sense and feel and how the life of Nature produces its purity, balance, and beauty.

Our lives are too often attached or subject to people whose stories and experiences hurtfully disconnect them from the heart of Nature/Earth in and around us, and we suffer accordingly. 

We desperately need individuals who want to improve their lives and livelihood by learning to use the organic methods and materials that redress our violation of Earth's integrity, reverse its catastrophic effects and enable us to teach others to do the same.  Like drinking water satisfies our sense of thirst, each new connection we learn to make the life of Nature/Earth happily improves its and our health.
Our Doctoral program provides tools that our society lacks. It helps anybody increase personal, social and global well-being by learning how to create transformational moments in natural areas. They help the self-correcting ways of the natural world to teach us what we need to know through our fifty-four natural senses.  Anything less has proven to be not enough.

Our Central Problem and its Remedy

As Earth Misery information indicates, in metaphor, the dominating and established ways of Industrial Society have emotionally attached us to drive an advanced technology automobile. As we speed this fuel-loaded car down the highway we see that it will go into a group of families having a picnic in a beautiful natural area. Because we have not yet been taught how to fully activate the car’s organic braking and steering system, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will stop as we fearfully scream “Oh God” or “whoa,” as if the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse.  These reactions are unscientific and outdated. They do not stop or guide our high-tech car. For this reason, we continue to wreak havoc on people, places and things including ourselves as passengers.

Applied Ecopsychology at PNC provides an organic science and technology (Organic Psychology Greenwave-54) guidance system for our runaway car. It helps us safely grok the self-correcting ways of the natural area itself and thereby learn how its homeostatic balance and purification powers have prevented Nature’s destruction over the eons. (Grok: to emotionally sense ourself as being integrated in some part of nature and vice versa). As we are part of Nature, its universal ways simultaneously operate and flow around, in and through us all the time while our vehicle injures or hides them from us so they are not available to assist us. In this way objective science continues to recklessly shoot itself and us in the foot. In response, the organics of Applied Ecopsychology scientifically empower us to prevent and remedy this short circuit. By us adding them to any aspect of society we help increase the quality of our health, economics and environment while reducing their excessive costs and shortcomings. 

The scenario, above, is usually denied in Industrial Society. This is because our culture centers around materials and our 5-senses, not around our indisputable 54 natural senses.  To invoke the latter is like talking to a person who has never learned to count above 5 and trying to show them how to add 4 and 8 together to get 12.  It is a different language until folks experience and validate the authenticity of their 54 natural senses in a natural area. Until this occurs via Organic Psychology NSTP or GreenWave-54, their 49 omitted-sense intelligence has a whole life IQ of only 15 and it shows. Its lack of wholeness produces the prejudiced against nature non-sense and Earth misery that we suffer today.  This phenomenon is summarized in the Scientific Core of Industrial Society article of IJSPS. The solution for it is mastered by completing our Revolutionary Wisdom book and course. It is the suggested beginning and end of your Ph.D program because it includes your AE comprehensive exam. 

The Doctorate in Philosophy
The Ph.D. you earn is a Doctorate in Philosophy. It affirms that you have the philosophical expertise and rhetoric to convince the public about the value of a scientifically and socially appropriate, AE, unique contribution to knowledge that you have made and will continue to make by using and teaching AE. The Ph.D. letters after your name indicate that our central way of thinking can trust your skills and devotion to share your AE expertise with society. 

As is demonstrated by Earth Misery continuing to grow, what Ph.D.’s and everybody else has invented and shared up to this date is not working. What most of us are unintentionally doing is deteriorating, rather than increasing, personal, social and environmental well-being. The underlying culprit for this catastrophe is our denial that our society’s ingrained stories have prejudiced us against the whole of nature. We have foolishly indoctrinated ourselves to attach to tales that entice and reward us to excessively conquer, abuse and exploit the natural world, in and around us.

Earth Misery will not stop until, via folks with Ph.D.’s, we un-bond from our hurtful attachments and transform them into the happiness of building environmentally and socially reasonable relationships.

The key challenge your Ph.D. faces is that your dissertation must show your committee that you can scientifically convince the nature-estranged public that you can help its nature-disconnected members safely re-attach their 54 natural senses to nature’s self-correcting ways. This is difficult because our society does not recognize that each of us is born with 54 natural senses.  Its entrenched indoor belief systems deceive people to think they only have five senses. The other 49 are felt-sensed, but our stories label them to be drives, instincts, wants, needs, spirituality and other things that are nature-disconnected. They are things that you have to re-educate convincingly.

Your ally in doing AE is math-science. It works because being evidence-based, it accurately symbolizes and brings into play the sequence of the Standard time/space universe. Also, because, like that of the automobile scenario, material science is the dominant and established core of our how we produce our artificially built environment. It is trusted as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in a court of law. It is your ally. It empowers your sense of reason, and, in AE, the self-evidence of your 54 senses is undeniable, including your sense of reason.

Self-evidence is the strongest form of evidence because it is obvious, it needs no defense, it registers directly on your awareness.  This means that you sensing and feeling self-evident life experiences makes them facts of the whole of life simply because you are unquestionably part of it. For this reason, all 54 senses must be scientifically accepted by your committee or APA as valid evidence in your Ph.D.’s defense, arguments, and considerations.

 The way you scientifically include your self-evident life experiences as facts to be considered in your dissertation is by making your dissertation contain a hypothesis that supports the work you offer since it includes you and your growth and experience as part of it.  Without you, what you do and contribute would not occur.  For this reason, your proposal or dissertation argument cannot fail because your life, sensations, and experiences are scientific facts of life, especially your life and that of your committee members.  The whole life science of AE cannot deny that it is your increased ability to implement that science that helps others benefit from it.  

Taking the path of including your life-experience and training as a key to your dissertation makes all the appropriate facts of your autobiography to be part of your learning and education in your practice of AE. It contributes many hours of education towards your degree. It’s what shortens its length of time for completion by 75 percent and helps us reduce average tuitions by 80 percent.  Also, it is irrefutable because your 54 senses are registering and building relationships with information that does not come from the bias of our nature disconnected society. Rather, it originates in Nature itself, the fountainhead of authority in how its self-correcting powers work, as, in and around you and everybody else.

Although a hypothesis is not required in APA dissertations, they also do not require that they stop promoting and start resolving the problems we cause and face by being excessively nature oblivious or disconnected. A hypothesis is your commanding yes or no statement that brings your integrity into the now of the life of your planet, its web of life and Society.  It’s like voting. You make a reasoned decision and then can evaluate its accuracy and effects. 

NOTE: Master how a Hypothesis works now Select Here

Consider the use of a hypothesis in your dissertation via the scenario below.
It accurately portrays what is happening in the real life Ph.D. academics that your committee is preparing you for so that you and your work and AE will be further recognized, validated and supported by the addition of Ph.D. after your name. This is an important contribution to reversing the misery caused by our prejudiced against nature stories and postures.

Let’s imagine that you are a massage therapist and, via your coursework in NSTP or GreenWave-54 you have, to your benefit, learned to add Organic Psychology to your practice for some of your clients and they have shown greater improvements than clients who have not used it. You have been brought into court to prove through evidence you present, that what you are doing is beneficial. If you don’t substantiate this, you get fined and can no longer practice because the Food and Drug Administration has not approved AE. 

Ordinarily you would hire an attorney to gather evidence, produce your strategy and present critical thinking to make your case to the judge and jury. Keep in mind that they, (and often your attorney, too,) are so strongly prejudiced by and attached to their excessively nature-disconnected ways that they deny that they can’t appropriately stop their destructive Earth misery ways or that their nature-limited mentality is injuring them and the world. You are confronting their deep seeded dependence on objective material science that is based on its closeted, nature-separated and limited 5-sense reasoning. It considers our additional 49 senses to be subjective and taboo instead of being valuable whole-life facts about the life of Nature, Earth and people. You can familiarize yourself with the challenge this judicial process presents in the proceedings of the metaphor grand jury in the book With Justice for All.

The fact you must clearly note is that in the dissertation process you are your own attorney. It is up to you to scientifically plead your case to the Judge (who, in reality, are your committee along with the rigid demands of accredited higher education that include APA standards).  You simply explain the value of you AE work by stating the value of your AE training’s
hypothesis to the Judge: “Your honor, I hypothesized ‘I will increase my well-being by learning to invoke AE in my practice of massage therapy and increase the well-being of my clients, society and the environment by teaching them how to invoke AE.’

You know you are going to win this case once you have mastered the AE process via your courses. It is a self-evident, unique and an undeniable fact of life contribution that is made by your life’s dedication and energy and you invoke it. You will know how to use and teach an AE tool that empowers people to increase the health and welfare of the web of life including contemporary humanity. 

You are awarded your Ph.D. by contemporary society because it recognizes the standards, truth and value in your dissertation about you and your abilities. This is why we have included, above, the requirements that meet society’s demands as set by the American Psychological Association (APA). You and we want to meet them to make headway in helping individuals and society reduce their estrangement from nature and its deleterious effects. We want to meet them because the established authorities dismiss anything less than what they require as not being credible.  We have worked long and hard to come as far as we have. No need to risk reducing it and your/our power and image via a less than adequate dissertation. 

The Ph.D. letters after your name increase public desire, trust and confidence in your skills. This uniquely contributes to increasing personal and environmental wellness and that is the purpose of achieving Ph.D. skills and competencies.

Your Academic Process

Once your committee or mentor recognizes that through your courses you have gained the ability to add AE to your specialty and that you will defend a project you have done, or will do, as your dissertation, the committee will accept your work.  PNC will then give you access to software for APA styling you dissertation and an enabling grammar and writing program, too. These will help you design a proposal that describes your already approved project along with the methods and materials that you will use as studies and rationale that support your project as described at www.ecopsych.com/dissertation.html You are welcome to include in it appropriate autobiographical material that includes labeled senses that it involves.

Be aware that your dissertation is not only about how Applied Ecopsychology works in your life and livelihood.  That is already long available knowledge. It is about how you personally have the expertise to apply it in AE ways that reverse our present earth misery dilemmas. That AE information and skill is presently unknown although it has been available for almost fifty years as documented in the books With Justice for All and Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature.

Do you think the process described above supports our hypothesis that: “The scientific use of a hypothesis is helpful in the art of invoking AE through a Ph.D. dissertation that documents reductions of Industrial Society’s prejudice against nature disorders and promotes personal, social and environmental well-being.”  If not, you can change the hypothesis to make it match the process we have described. 

Be aware that you can also change your hypothesis as your dissertation takes form. This is because your Ph.D. includes validating that you have the ability to do that.  You are the leading authority in your area of expertise as your project demonstrates.  Validate that.

A Challenge
The natural life of most contemporary people has been exploited, abused or demeaned to the point that they have difficulty fully validating themselves and their relationships.  This is especially true in the arts and social sciences because our dominating material science has to discard their continually fluctuating human results; they are mathematically unmeasurable and unpredictable phenomena, (as is authentic nature). It is recognized as unprovable evidence so these individuals are stupified by our central, nature-disconnected, material science thinking and relating.

Your dissertation goal is to provide a convincing narrative about how and why you are not under the influence of foolishness in how you Apply Ecopsychology organically in areas where you do it.

Meet the Challenge
Here is a sample outline and strategy of your narrative about how you might use the thoughts, senses and feelings that you have experienced as facts that validate your proposal. The stronger and more realistic you make it the better it will serve you. Numbering and labeling some of the 54 senses in important areas will contribute to its and your authenticity. 

"Although I had some wonderful experiences in nature as a child I usually kept them to myself out of fear of rejection.  I had home, school or work situations that stressed me and I found that a massage helped me reduce and deal with that discomfort. 

Being dissatisfied with my work or relationships I studied to become a massage therapist as there seemed to be a strong calling for that from a large portion of the population that were trapped in situations similar to mine.  It provided them and me with temporary relief.

I almost accidently had an experience in a natural area that fulfilled me in an unknown but pleasant way that reminded me of my childhood love of nature.  It attracted me to find a way to more include Nature in my life. In a search engine I ran across Project NatureConnect and its natural area organic psychology activities.  I tried them and found they had great meaning to me and others in my online orientation class so I enrolled in the program as a trial.

In the program I discovered I could beneficially add PNC activities to my massage therapy work and to other aspects of my life as well as described in the Scientific Core of Relationships article and learned from Revolutionary Wisdom.  The key to my success was grokking and identifying by name the 54 senses, their joy, frustration or injury as well as their intelligent whole life reasonableness and unification. Helping others connect with, learn and use them strengthened me as well. In time I developed a way I could offer nature-connected massage therapy to the public, especially to nature lovers who, like myself, obtained greater fulfillment and expertise by sharing the activities with others.

I began to realize that I had created a legitimate, special, nature-connected massage therapy program for myself and decided to use my total experience in arriving at, experimenting, developing and sharing it as my argument for being awarded a Ph.D. in Applied Ecopsychology AE.  This, in turn, would validate and give increased visibility to my work. I wrote a book, (offered workshops, developed a curriculum, created a business, did coaching or therapy) that I will use as a project that I will defend in my dissertation.  A sample research study with some of my clients shows my massage program’s uniqueness and effective outcomes.  If I was awarded a doctorate or certificate in Organic Psychology, through my clients I could anywhere invoke my unique and much needed AE contribution to personal, social and environmental well-being.

For the above reason I am petitioning my doctoral committee to award me a Ph.D. degree in the AE of Applied Ecopsychology through a dissertation I will write that scientifically describes a project that incorporates the integrity and knowledge provided by my 3, or more, life experience and formal training years in coming to my conclusions and effects. They demonstrate their value beyond reasonable doubt because they are self-evident. They support the good intentions of my hypothesis as well as where it is appropriately applicable.

All aspects of my dissertation will affirm that I am a knowledgeable individual in AE and, via my Literature Review, I am sure that I am making a unique new contribution to AE. My References show that scientific studies and evidence validate and enhance what I discuss and I demonstrate that I know how to do research in AE and in general."

Individuals who, successfully achieve what is described, above, are eligible to submit as a narrative, a proposal to PNC for starting or completing their dissertation and being awarded their Ph.D.

After completing their degrees graduates volunteer their services to PNC as faculty, mentors, instructors or facilitators of parts of our program and can set up their own, income producing, specialty courses with us that will be accredited and/or incorporated in their client’s training programs. 

A format similar to that described, above, can be used for our other degrees, degree equivalency or certifications. Call with your questions or for further information.

Mike Cohen 360-378-6313
Stacey Mallory 479-677-3328


Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a subsidized sensory aliveness Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Eco-therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming


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The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.

. ...


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