Accredited Nature-Connecting Online Alternative and Natural Holistic  Courses; Degrees and Careers that include life experience and prior training, independent thinking, social networking and ecological mentor scholarships, grants and jobs

Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Environmental Health and Wellness Spiritual Science and Retreats
Outdoor Sensory and Spirit Therapies, Degrees and Careers


This nature learning article describes a funded Mother Earth outreach course and degree program treat to help heal our disorders and treat our skepticism. The article evaluates an amazing organic psychology shift that helps us heal our stressed-out psyche and improve health, wellness and counseling. It enables our thinking and feeling to safely tap into an often ignored sensory conglomerate of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers. Participants reduce dependencies like coffee, drugs and destructive relationships and strengthen their inborn love of nature. They master the ecotherapy for alternative therapist coaching, natural stress management and holistic spiritual psychology at home, school or office.


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line

Project NatureConnect offers flexible, nature-centered, distant learning that enables the perception of its participants to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to their degree programs, careers and/or their skills, interests and hobbies.

We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it.

You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. 
  • Improve your income and satisfaction through independent, interdisciplinary or integrated study and Applied Ecopsychology.
  • Help people connect their misled thoughts and feelings with the self-correcting and renewing ways of nature.
  • Increase personal social and environmental well being.
  • Add the self-correcting sunlight, beauty and spirit of the natural world to your life and community.
Visit our Homepage for complete information

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Nature Provides Answers and Guidance for  Personal Challenges

Anonymous Participant Orientation Course Evaluation

Organic Psychology Elements of Global Citizenship

In this day and age, most people never see the natural surroundings rioting outside their windows. Severed ties with the environment are the cause of this, and that is what this introductory course on ecopsychology has sought to teach each member of my study consort. Because of this, The Natural System Thinking Process has caused growth in both my peers and I, and it has provided skills and activities that have affected each of us forever in how we individually treat nature.

The Growth of My Peers
It seemed that there was a nervous growth of personal being during the duration of this course. When first started, the group seemed a variety of mixed emotions: restraint, excitement, nervousness, and skepticism. One student starting the course stated that, "even though I am connected to this work, there is a part of me that was very resistant to actually doing the lesson. Another person, though, expressed extreme excitement for what the lessons were showing her. From the start, the program was making each of us look at our personal relationship with the earth and the environment from a different angle.

The next couple of weeks still saw a type of resistance to what we were learning. My peers were only just finding how to separate themselves from the "real world and coffee to one of natural existence with their surroundings. As one student said, "At first, I was not feeling thank-full for this awareness, still being caught up in my things to do list, including this chapter.

Gradually, though, the information started to sink in, and everyone began to reconnect with their "webstring attractions." The group was beginning to relax and experience what the lessons were saying. Attractions were becoming self-evident, and a rekindling of the webstring relationship was taking place. One student even began to replace words such as feelings, and senses, with the comfortable term of webstring.

As we delved even deeper into the course, my peers seemed to be blossoming from the way the program was directing each of us. Painful memories of deaths that had occurred to family members were being re-examined and worked through. Relationships that were somewhat unsteady were balancing out when the two people talked to each other about the experiences this course was providing. Trust in ones-self was beginning to rebuild through the guidance and support of reconnecting with our natural surroundings.

Now at the end of this course, my peers seem to have found and learned many things. Every one seems to be more insightful and aware of their relationship with the natural world. It appears that there have been internal shifts in each person as to how they look at other people, at nature, at the world, and at their own lives. All of us seem to have grown in the period of a couple months.

The Growth of Myself
I feel that I have also grown. I started this course somewhat skeptical, as I am in any situation where I don't know what to expect the outcome to be. I was recovering from personal tragedies that had happened recently. I was tired, and sad, and didn't really feel like doing more school-work that this program was sure to involve.

However, all of that changed as I went along with each activity. When I look back now, I have seen a shift in myself as well as my peers. It appears that I am more relaxed within myself (which has always been a personal problem). I also have been reminded of what I always knew was true: it really is therapy to go to a natural area and just be at one with my surroundings.

This course has also reinforced ideas that I have had throughout my life concerning the environment and the H. Sapiens place in it. With the idea of webstrings, I can see that everything really is intertwined. Everything supports each other, on both a physical and "spiritual level. This idea was backed by the story of the person who managed to keep a plucked leaf "alive and healthy longer than a week, just by praising it and loving it.

Another part of this course that had a specific impact on me was that of requesting permission of a natural area to be a part of it, and remembering to thank it when leaving. This really affected me. Having always tried hard to be a polite person, one that is respectful of others feelings, I realized that I was being incredibly rude to the part of my life that I felt most comfortable at. I now try to see any natural place as I would if I were going up to a bar and asking, "May I sit here? and waiting for a response.

Lessons Learned
Throughout this course, the Consort has learned many valuable skills, lessons, and activities. We have learned how to behave properly in any part of nature, we know the importance of keeping our webstring connection open to the universe, and we now know different ways that we can interact with nature. Hopefully we will leave this class, remembering that we humans are only one part of a conglomerate of existing life.

One student said that she trusted nature to provide her with answers and guidance, but that she doesn't,t often follow through on what nature is trying to tell/call her to do. This was stated early in the course, and I'm sure that today she would agree that she has learned what it takes to really listen to her natural surroundings.

Another statement from a student was that she felt too immersed in her "real world" office job, as well as the modern day habit of drinking a lot of coffee and shopping consistently. She felt like she was losing her connection from nature due to these distractions. We all have this problem, but I feel confident that each of us has learned enough to look past the superficiality of our day-to-day lives and to see what really matters.

"We often sense, our attractions, but without understanding what the message of the sense, is, we limit our full integration of the that attraction. This was written by a consort member at the very beginning of this course, and I happen to agree with it. However, The Natural System Thinking Process has provided each member of this group guidance in understanding how to use and interpret our sensory attractions. Each of us is now more richly endowed in the knowledge of our relationships with our natural surroundings.

Additional student reviews of the Orientation Course (also see Testimonials) are available at








Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council



Accredited CEU Courses, Certification, Grants and Degree Programs

online to sustain the well-being of person, planet and
spirit. Prior training and life experience
incorporated in all programs.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature











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