
Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 


 Page 18 of 26

*Pivital page
  1. *Love of Nature
  2. *ECHN Advantages
  3. *Whole Life Learning
  4. Source of Disorders
  5. Revolutionary Antidote
  6. Sensory Homecoming
  7. *Increase Health
  8. *Organic Manipulation
  9. *Helpful Orientation
  10. Trust Based Learning
  11. Increase Well-Being
  12. Prejudicial Falsehood
  13. Results from Omission
  14. Unified Field Benefits
  15. Holistic Learning
  16. Health and Wellness
  17. *Distorted Glasses
  18. *Biosphere Imbedded
  19. *Aliveness Gratitude
  20. Change Socialization
  21. Overcome Disorders
  22. Psychic Pain
  23. *Denial of Attachment
  24. Story Addiction
  25. *Stronger Life
  26. *Strengthen Career

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TOPIC: We are Embedded in and Nurtured by Earth's biosphere,

The Whole Life Art and Science of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

ECOLOGY: We are Embedded in and Nurtured by Earth's biosphere

The scientific fact of Ecology is that we are embedded in and nurtured by Earth's biosphere, a 20 mile band of life that sits above and below the land and ocean. We are as much a part of the biosphere as is any leaf, molecule or atom, any plant, animal, mineral or weather system.

The discovery of the biosphere in 1929, makes as great a contribution for good as did the finding by Copernicus, in 1536, that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system.

For the past 75 years science and society have recognized the biosphere and its cyclic systems as the central pulsating life community and ecology of Planet Earth.

"Life prepares its own environment"

- John Storer,
The Web of Life (1953)

The biosphere is a community. It consists of creation's self-organizing, cooperative integration of atmosphere, sunshine, ocean, soil, plants, animals, minerals and energy, a web of life attraction symbiosis that supports all of life (Gaia), including human life. It nurtures us as we nurture it. For this reason, for example, we are born as cat, dog and pet lovers, we are not trained through hypnotherapy or any other process to naturally love animals or life.

It is natural attraction, the love of life, that energizes and organizes how nature works. 

The essence of the biosphere and Earth is the pulsating flow of natural systems. They are driven by natural attractions to support life. 

Wherever or whenever that flow of ecology is stopped, life as we know it deteriorates or dies.

Many folks generalize the biosphere as being "star energies" or the "Universe." This "answer" can remove their thinking from the benefits and destiny they might otherwise enjoy by making conscious sensory contact with natural life and its web of life natural attractions, the real thing, backyard or backcountry.


"I did the activity that directs you to visit a natural area and thoughtfully learn to sense it and the natural attraction flow of its systems. You then try to determine where nature ends and you begin. I was surprised and grateful because in 20 minutes I discovered a new depth of who I really am and what has happened to me."

-Project NatureConnect Participant


"This home schooling activity helped me realize that even if I'm in a natural area but I'm thinking or talking about some rock band or the problems that face me in the classroom or with my boss or my girlfriend, I'm not fully connecting with my natural attractions and nature."

-Project NatureConnect Participant


Do the observations, above, make sense to you? Are they attractive? Call 360-378-6313. BEGIN HERE 

Natural systems and their flow are self-correcting and purifying. They recycle and renew the natural deterioration of themselves and every molecule on earth. For this reason, nature rarely creates abuse. It seldom produces garbage, pollution or the destructive stress and pain of our aggravated relationships.

Moment by moment, the pulse of natural systems and their natural attraction power flows through all of life. This includes the life of our mind and spirit, of our thoughts feelings and perceptions.

Natural attractions are a prime commonality and unifier that we share with all people, places and things, past and present. Perhaps originating in the Higgs Boson, this commonality includes what we hold in common with spiritual leaders like Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha.

Most artificial substitutes for natural systems exclude the natural unifying energies and organic healing ways of natural attractions. This omission leaves our thinking to unknowingly produce our conflicts, discomforts, moods or deterioration, sooner or later.

Our whole life health and happiness ultimately depend upon the streaming pulse of natural systems through us. But because of the prejudicial distortion in our leaders' biosphere-detached thinking, in the name of "progress" "profit" or "economic growth" our socialization teaches us to excessively separate ourselves from, exploit and conquer nature and its attractions, as if they are harmful.

What we do to nature, we do to ourselves as part of nature. We become stressed consumers instead of responsible and happy life-community citizens.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem. 

REMINDER: To our loss, on average, throughout our lives we learn to disconnect 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling from conscious sensory attraction contact with nature and its systems.

Our extreme exploitation of and disconnection from natural systems stops their beneficial flow through our psyche. The loss of their natural attraction vibrancy wounds our psyche. It numbs our thinking and feeling. It erodes our trust and our sense that we naturally belong or have value.

Our pain and numbing desensitization results in the excessive disagreements, violence, abuse, stress, hurt, disorders wants and addictions that mark our lives.

We are troubled because something is missing.

We don't know or relate to the ways of nature, in and around us, as balanced attraction-love life relationships, as do other natural beings.

We seldom embrace natural things as relatives, attractions, loves or spirit kinships. For example, the organism that we call a "tree," "board-feet" or "potential profit," nature-centered people(s) might call "treeing," "tree spirit,"
"friend" or "relation."

Natural folks are socialized to validate their innate attractions to Earth, to trust Mother Earth as a true mother, not as a dead third rock from the sun. We can't afford to overlook that these folks seldom cause the troubles we produce.  Many of them have no word in their language for pollution, garbage or waste. Everything belongs.

"At root, ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care. We have made it into a rational/activist project and lost sight of its heart."

- Thomas Moore

Do the observations, above, make sense to you? Are they attractive? Call 360-378-6313.

Start the ECHN Introductory Course and your program here.  Why wouldn't you want to add this important benefit to your life and livelihood?

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Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 
Homepage  To return to any previous page use the "back" or "history" function of your browser or your "bookmark" for that page if it is not on your screen now.

Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 

Wake up! Apply now

Homepage  To return to any previous page use the "back" or "history" function of your browser or your "bookmark" for that page if it is not on your screen now.

   You may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in    ...conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net 
Homepage (360) 378.6313  Skype mjcohen6313

