
Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 


 Page 16 of 26

*Pivital page
  1. *Love of Nature
  2. *ECHN Advantages
  3. *Whole Life Learning
  4. Source of Disorders
  5. Revolutionary Antidote
  6. Sensory Homecoming
  7. *Increase Health
  8. *Organic Manipulation
  9. *Helpful Orientation
  10. Trust Based Learning
  11. Increase Well-Being
  12. Prejudicial Falsehood
  13. Results from Omission
  14. Unified Field Benefits
  15. Holistic Learning
  16. Health and Wellness
  17. *Distorted Glasses
  18. *Biosphere Imbedded
  19. *Aliveness Gratitude
  20. Change Socialization
  21. Overcome Disorders
  22. Psychic Pain
  23. *Denial of Attachment
  24. Story Addiction
  25. *Stronger Life
  26. *Strengthen Career

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TOPIC: Sustainable Health and Wellness of People, Careers and Places

...Ph.D. Online

The Whole Life Art and Science of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Towards the Sustainable Health and Wellness of People, Careers and Places: Environmental Distance Learning With Nature.

Below appears one of thousands of journal entry quotes that convey unadulterated empirical evidence for your consideration.  It comes directly from the stress-reducing experience of a person whose thoughts and senses registered, first-hand, the outdoor events this entry describes:

"This nature-connecting activity helped me become aware of my attraction to the crescent moon as it hung over two hills near my home. Soon, its mellow glow, framed by peaks and trees, embraced me in a wordless, ancient primordial scene. Timeless power, peace and unity swept me up. I just wanted to stay in that state of awe, I felt in balance with all of reality. I was simply "BEING." No tension, no pressing goal, just truly belonging to the global life community. This natural attraction captured my stress laden pulse and seduced it to the rhythms of Earth. The sleeping disorder I have battled all my adult life dissolved in this restorative power. For the first time in decades, I gently fell asleep after dark and arose shortly after dawn. With elation, I celebrated the breakthrough and I thanked nature. I thanked the endearing activity, too. I'm attracted to it because it helps me reconnect with nature whenever I choose, and I can teach it to others."

- Project NatureConnect Participant

Do the observations, above, make sense to you? Are they attractive? Call 360-378-6313. BEGIN HERE

The rapture in this phenomenal outdoor journal quote goes against the public's stress-producing cultural bias to excessively discredit, exploit or conquer nature. Nature includes the self-correcting and purifying ways of natural systems, of "Gaia," our living planet and community that flows around and through us.

The quote conclusively demonstrates this extraordinary fact: the action of conscious sensory connection with natural systems helped the writer reduce his sleep disorder, increase his satisfaction and self-worth as well as deepen his respect for nature.  

As with this sleep disorder example, Project NatureConnect warranties that the outstanding nature-connected self-help coaching, wellness and counseling tools, activities and jobs offered on this website help you help yourself and others, by 32 percent or more, increase personal, professional and environmental well being. You will reduce puzzling disorders, dysfunction, trouble, conflict, stress, issues and dependencies. Your mind will cooperatively improve self-esteem and relationships in general; your meditations will help protect endangered species and natural systems.

"By interlacing our mind with nature, the science of Organic Psychology enables our thinking to tap into nature's grace, balance and regenerative processes. This helps us transform and recycle detrimental ways we think and feel.

Uniquely, we learn how to help the web of life decompose into fertile thoughts the garbage that destructive aspects of industrial society have dumped into our mentality and spirit.

Educating, counseling and healing with nature, backyard or backcountry, is trustable. It results in beneficial coaching and teaching that compassionately increases our personal, social and environmental health. IQ and other analytical tests show that this process is a potent, cost-free antidote and social work tool. We enjoy a smart, stress reducing euphoria, a thoughtful tranquility we normally miss in our excessively nature-separated lives."

- The Web of Life Imperative

Do the observations, above, make sense to you? Are they attractive? Call 360-378-631

Start the ECHN Introductory Course and your program here.  Why wouldn't you want to add this important benefit to your life and livelihood?

Application Your class is forming now

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Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 
Homepage  To return to any previous page use the "back" or "history" function of your browser or your "bookmark" for that page if it is not on your screen now.

Homepage  To return to any previous page use the "back" or "history" function of your browser or your "bookmark" for that page if it is not on your screen now.

   You may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in    ...conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net 
Homepage (360) 378.6313  Skype mjcohen6313

