

















Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Training Grants and Jobs.

Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning to increase person/planet wellness.


Educating Counselling and Healing With Nature

Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line

Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies.

We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it.

You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
  • Improve your income and satisfaction through independent, interdisciplinary or integrated study and Ecopsychology.
  • Help people connect their thoughts and feelings with the self-correcting and renewing ways of nature.
  • Increase personal social and environmental well being.
  • Add the self-correcting sunlight beauty and spirit of the natural world to your life and community. In natural areas, the truth is free and shares nature's wisdom
Visit our Homepage for complete information


"Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."

- Barack Obama

We suffer our economic recession along with our other disorders because our long history of greed and irresponsibility have produced them.  These problems have made us aware of our excessiveness that has resulted in our unbalanced society and environmentally destructive economic growth.

We must solve todays problems by co-creating with nature, not by further exploiting it and increasing global warming.  We need to use tools that help us accomplish this.

The heart of our problems is that Industrial Society has made it a habit for our thinking to be excessively material-dependent. The profit motive has made us feel and act like runaway consumers while ignoring that we live as citizens of a planet whose life and resources have delicate limits.

The greedy, exploit-nature story of Industrial Society has goaded us to surpass the necessities of life in equilibrium.  This has given the planet a temperature, a symptom that tells us its life is sick. We see many additional symptoms that continue to grow.

We must learn to help Earth reduce its fever. As we do, as part of it, we remedy our and other disorders.

Our social and environmental problems have a common underlying source.  Although we are part of nature and its grace, we are taught to think out of contact and connection with the way nature works.  You see, its self-correcting ways produce unpolluted optimums of life, diversity and cooperation, not our chaos and disorders. Yet, even at this late date, we still believe that nature is not intelligent. (For more about this visit Natural Attraction Ecology)

Even though our polluted thinking in Industrial Society pollutes nature in and around us, we continue to learn to to separate our mind and activities from the purifying and restorative ways of natural systems.  These systems are the fountainhead of authority about what we must do to increase global well-being, including our own.

When it comes to living in balance, nature, not Oprah, knows best .

Individuals who reduce their problems by learning to think like nature works create a mutually supportive relationship with Earth.  They have found that the three activities and the reading, below, help their psyche reduce global warming while increasing their personal well-being.  

The activities work because they enable us to create moments that let Earth teach us what we need to know about how it works in and around us. Its powerful ways then knowledgeably guide us to reduce its fever and our madness.

Read: Who Are You, Who Am I, Who are We?

Activity 1. Nature In And Around Us.  Self Meet Yourself

Activity 2. Reduce Excessiveness: Gaining Nature's Consent

Bonus Activity:
Being Naturally Mindful

Responses to the Activities from the Email and Journals of Anonymous Course Participants

Makes me want to dance.
It was nice to go to the river every day. That place is so sacred to me, especially one certain area. It was here on Day one that I proclaimed, “I am attracted to the river, the river, the river because it is life-giving, peaceful, and calming.!!” I am attracted to myself because I am life-giving, peaceful and calming!!

Wonderful. I decided to do this activity on additional days.
On Day 2 I liked the wind because it makes me feel alive. I like myself because I feel alive.
Day 3 - I appreciated the snow because it nourishes our lands. I appreciate myself because I nourish our lands.
Day 4 - I think this river is worthwhile because it makes me happy. I am worthwhile because I make others happy.
Day 5 - I think this spot where the river curves is good because I forget all my worries here. I am good because I can forget all my worries.
Day 6 - This river is right because it makes sense to learn from it. I am right because I make sense to learn from.
Day 7 - I love the sun shining on water making it sparkle because it makes me smile and feel good inside. I love myself because I smile and feel good inside.

Day 8 - I love the sound of the river because it gives me peace. I love myself because I am peaceful.
It is life-affirming to go back and read these over and sense my belonging and importance to this earth.  That is something I learned, that I belong and I am important.  

There is value in doing the same thing and going to the same place over and over if it is life-giving. I learned: It was following my heart to go to the river because it is so life-giving to me which only proves to me that by following by heart and doing things that are life-giving will I truly find my happiness.

I am a person who gets good feelings in nature when I soak in the magnificence of the river - its sound, currents, bubbles, ripples, waterfalls, smoothness, cascading rapids, flow, colors, contrasts. All give me spectacularly good feelings and make me want to dance.

Follow your heart.
Hi Edith,

I list all your findings, above, here this way, below, because they have such an attractive flow in their simplicity and truth!  It is a very affirming read! :

I am attracted to myself because I am life-giving, peaceful and calming!!
I like myself because I feel alive.
I appreciate myself because I nourish our lands.
I am worthwhile because I make others happy.
I am good because I can forget all my worries.
I am right because I make sense to learn from.
I love myself because I am peaceful.
I belong and I am important.

By following my heart and doing things that are life-giving will I truly find my happiness.

I am a person who gets good feelings in nature when I soak in the magnificence of the river - its sound, currents, bubbles, ripples, waterfalls, smoothness, cascading rapids, flow, colors, contrasts. All give me spectacularly good feelings and make me want to do a dance.
...to find truth.....the river told me one day.....“Follow your heart, with everything you do, follow only your heart. Follow your heart like you follow me.”

Daily strength
I asked consent to sit with a rose. What came to mind was the independance that the rose held. The two tone "pink" rose that had yet to open stood alone. There was no other rose/flower near or far in sight. It was held by a very long stem...as if it was wanting to be noticed by stretching itself taller! Noticed for its beauty, solitude, independance, and strength. I can recall feeling connnected because i was needing to be reminded of my own strength on that particular day. It seemed as if it was speaking to me through its stance! I closed my eyes at one point and felt safe in its presence...I was in the moment! I opened my eyes and was honored to contnue to view it. I thanked the beautiful rose for its message.

I love fresh flowers but the thought of disconnecting it from where it stood would have brought tears.

A time that I have felt like this is with my daughter....I am a strong woman but she gives strength daily!

Natural roles
I find this tree branch attractive because it is a pure essence of the richness and innocence of life's truth, beauty, and goodness. it is what Life is, and I need do no more to that testimony but stand and be it.
My attraction to my cat told me I am likable because I share with others a sense of timeless joy and playfulness, a breathtaking sense of openness and intelligent discerning trust, and because I have the sense to not be inordinately enamored with others, to even be bored with them and allow them to blend into the landscape as languidly as I.
I love it when it thunderstorms, such a sense of the whole atmosphere taking a break from the languidness of quiet and peace like every muscle was just itching to stretch and then jump!  It made me realize I cannot think of any aspect or entity of Nature that does not invoke a sense of love.
I love myself because I do not need to question my relationship with other Earth Life, or have the need to question who is in control or who is superior. I know our natural roles and I honor them by simply being who and what I am.

Wouldn't it be nice
I was attracted to your wonderful description of the "warm sunlight, delighting at the sight of greenery that has already started pushing out leaves" I am connecting to your green experience in British Columbia and it was so energizing for me. We are all white here in New Hampshire.
"It talked to me about the return of energy, about possiblilties, about hopes that grow like plants when nurtured." The sun, as you described, is our fire energy freeing us from negativity, burning away all that binds us; as it's warming rays pass through each of us
You have warmed my heart and touched my soul. I was attracted to your words " My sense of I faded and in that moment I felt completely peaceful and full." Oh how true. In immersing our "selves" into nature's waters, nature's webstrings, nature's oxygen, nature's fire, mother earth provides us with a safe space to just let go and "be" as intended.
Wouldn't it be nice if we just approached all other human beings and the planet in this fashion? The total acceptance of the soul of each unconditionally because we felt its attractiveness, wouldn't it be nice?

Always make me smile
In nature we're always surprised at nature's beauty, but most of us ignore the healing process nature encourages and empowers us to participate in.

The moment I looked at the tree, I felt that there was a tree inside me. That strong, supportive, never give-up individual doesn't only exsist as a form of human being, instead, that individual could be found everywhere in our global life community.
I was encouraged by the leaves, not matter how tiny as powerless as others thought you are, believing yourself and trusting the potential power inside you is the best support to help survive in some hard-to-imagine situation.
I love my confidence and courage, my potential abilities to solve the problems when meet difficulties because I'm not as weak as others think, like the leaves in the wind and snow.

I'd like to learn from the kids, their direct way of keeping in touch with nature is the best way to improve personal well-being.

From the rainbow, I had a sudden feeling that I could see the most beautiful heart and soul from others and from myself. It did happen, not occasionally, which cheered me up so much. Hearing a voice from my deep inside speaking loudly, "Of course, I'm a watergirl."

I love the rainbow because it's like the rainbow inside me, it becomes the bridge that bind the kids and me together, we can see and understand each other over this bridge.

The grass is a mirror I could see through to check myself. I hoped, and I believed I was like the grass, which is very flexiable, hardowrking and never gives up. Though felt burden, the grass was still very optimistic. The process it went back to normal is the process of self-challenge and self-acheivement. Thus challenging could also be the way to support me to work harder.  Thanks, my grass friend.

It seems this is the truth of all Nature if it is only subjected to natural stresses and contacts, its natural impetus to regenerate and to recycle and to restore.  And things in nature don't attend school. Isn't it amazing that their abilities to feel, sense and think support them to survive, especially if we human beings treasure their lives

For me, the squirrel was not something for fun or entertain, he's a friend of mine, like lots of my other friends, we respect and like each other's being. For the squirrel, I could feel that he didn't think I was the "Giant" and fear of getting hurt. Though he still kept some distance, I think that's his way of showing friendship and remind me of the best distance to keep our friendship.

Sometimes we think it's impossible to change anyone or anything not because how bad that is, but because we've already have an image fixed in our mind, thus we actually pay no effort to experience what the real truth is.

Never think that animals couldn't speak or think. They are as smart as we human beings in many ways. Actually, they are more talented in the process of self-improving. When they show their friendship to us, we can do more than just keep them as a pet.

My natural experience shows me I'm a person who gets good feelings when I felt the kids and I were so close. I could even heard the heartbeat at the time we watched the rainbow. And then I saw the rainbow in the kids, I was sure they saw that in me, too. It's our privity, always makes me smile.

Balancing the great mind
I sensed a different tone in you this time, Marcy! It was much more emotionally revealing, convention challenging, and at the same time, simple and still. Without physically moving through your environment, you observed a world of information, and accurately translated to us, how you saw life around you and what it contributed to you. I was especially attracted to the statements "I experienced a sense of warmth without heat.  There was energy coming towards me, surrounding me, supporting me." Isn't that amazing?! Can't believe I just started tuning into this phenomena...

If you were apprehensive about stories in your personal life or the implications of this assignment/exercise, it worked for your (our) advantage. I heard your voice in this one... I felt a lot of what you were feeling... and I sensed that you needed to change. transform. exfoliate? To that end, you arrived in a simple, albeit cold, place so that all of the ideas and connections would be more evident and would let your mind be more at peace, allowing your soul, the heart of your being, to be your compass. I don't know if that makes sense, but I know how powerful the mind can be, especially someone as wise and talented as you, so I imagine the "contraction, heaviness, low and dense energy" to be a considerable burden you often carry. It is both what makes you uncommonly strong and successful, but also vulnerable to self-destruction. Balancing the great mind with the great spirit. That's a complicated dance.

I liked how you phrased "we can also see the stories for what they are and dissolve them, helping to access our essential naturalness."  Perfect. Yes!

"My thoughts and mood affect my perceptions. Luckily nature is so inherently beautiful that, even in difficult times, exposure to nature can shift the internal dreary mood. " I can't resist but to acknowledge your overall mood and feeling exhibited by these remarks.

* * *

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Contact us at 360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>


Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:


Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.





Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine

Grant-funded, social and environemental science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online


"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein


Weight Loss
Left Handed Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care

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Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Sunnyside Gardens Roots
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
and the
Naturally Attracted
DVD video