

TOPIC: Help Wanted: Organic Education Counseling and Healing with Nature Online. Too often debt results from our leaders socializing us to obtain emotional fulfillment in excessive, expensive and irresponsible ways. Deep, renewing satisfactions with cats that remedy this are always available, free of charge, through sensory nature-connecting activities in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. Learning and teaching these organic activities enable us to benefit from the grace balance and restorative powers of natural systems within and about us.



Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council


OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE: Online, grant-funded, courses, career training and degree programs that add the organic application of Ecopsychology to any field, discipline or intelligence. Alternative or holistic education jobs for sustainable personal and environmental health. Homepage

  • Practical distance learning that enhances expertise and spirit in all areas of endeavor.
  • Benefit from accredited university or college environment-psychology focus CEU online courses training grants and ecologically sound degree programs.
  • Earn extra income money online
  • Reduce stress. Add the sunlight and beauty of nature's intelligent grace and restorative powers to your professional or personal life.

Out of habit, most of us suffer disorders because, from early childhood on, our leaders socialize us to believe a critical lie. Do you, or others you know, suffer from this practice? A remedy for this hurtful distortion is readily available.



This page offers valuable rewards to individuals who recognize four basics of Organic Psychology:

1. We are part of nature and it sustains the global life community without producing our garbage, disorders or abusiveness.

2. Natural systems pervade nature and are self-correcting. They recycle, purify and nurture where ever they flow.

3. We excessively suffer our disorders because we don't connect with nature's grace, balance and restorative powers to help us remedy our troubles.

4. We spend, on average, 98 percent of our life indoors, separated from nature. To our loss, our thinking and feeling are extremely disconnected from nature's healing ways.











































An Organic Psychology Report from an Online Course Participant

I did this Organic Psychology activity in my backyard, not really having a real definitive direction and purpose like with the rest of the activities I have done. I just did a few chores outside between playing with the cats while letting myself get comfortable with my environment and it with me. I then tried to focus on the activity, but felt that I could not and was feeling more pressured and strained than anything. I began to focus on how cold my feet had suddenly become, and my mind began to wander to the next chore that needed to be completed.

I consciously gave up and continued to play with the kitties. It was one of their first times outside, and they were quite timid. They were very concerned where I was at all times and would not veer far from my path even when I was paying them no attention. I wanted them sense the whole backyard so as to gain some comfort and security with it. I noticed that as I walked they would eventually follow me, so I began lead them around the circumference of my backyard letting them explore where they may.

As we walked slowly I watched intently as they crawled through the blackberry bushes, smelled all there was to smell, reacted to the wetness of the grass, and the sound of birds, water, and their own footsteps. I began to smile, and even laugh and found myself standing in the middle of the yard completely content, my feet weren't even cold any more.

I felt compelled to share this story because I feel the activity found me instead of me doing the activity. As the kittens explored, checking in periodically I realized subconsciously I had found exactly what I was looking for. With this epiphany I began to try to consciously identify senses and attractions when I realized I was doing exactly what the activity instructed not to do. Label. I then remembered to repeat the word "nameless" as I tried to consciously (new brain) connect with nature and my subconscious (old brain)/nature (kind of like a waking dream). And for about 5-10 minutes I felt completely serene, warm, worry-free, at peace, my head was clear and clean, refreshed, I felt no aches or pains in my body, comfortable in my space in time, and confident that peace did exist in the world despite my worries, concerns, schedules, and demands.

I did try another more conscious (new brain) approach by approaching some leaves on the ground. There was quite a variety, and I tried grouping them and identifying them without ever putting a name to them or their group. While I feel this could be applied as an activity of some sort, at the time it felt a bit forced again, and did not produce the same serenity that I had found 5 minutes earlier. I thanked the kittens as we walked inside for leading me to what I was looking for most, and to think, all the while I thought I was leading them.

I discovered that I can be at peace with so many things by lowering my new brain standards, and raising my old brain consciousness. I learned to BE. BE aware. BE subconscious. BE at peace. BE natural and to go with the flow of nature through less going and more flowing.

I found that I get good feelings when.....

  • I am one with my world, my nature, my old brain.
  • I am able to be conscious of the stress, and indecency that much society brings to my life and be calm, understanding, hopeful, and peaceful at the same time.
  • my feet are warmed my old and new brain connecting with the loving sensory attractions of nature's web of life.

I know I would feel hopeless, stressed, de-centered, overwhelmed, unproductive and alone if I lost this ability

I did this activity 4 days before I wrote my posting. After using the activity to bring my new brain into connection with my old brain and it's connection with all in nature and the natural flow of the world I noticed that I have had a totally new outlook in life. I see connections between nature, people, and events immediately and they make more sense to me than ever before. I am able to immediately become conscious of my body and mind becoming overwhelmed and stressed and decrease these senses by connecting to the world and to the moment in time, allowing it to make sense of it's self instead of me forcing myself to make sense of things. I think more positively about things I cannot control, and feel more confident in my ability to control the things I can. I plan out my ideas, and make them happen. I live in the moment. My self-worth has not only increased, but my value of life and each moment in it has increased as well.

The key factor in this activity was definitely nature in the form of small white cats.

Act now. Master Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our


Learn the how and why of Organic Psychology

Contact us at 360-378-6313 mailto:nature@interisland.net, http://www.ecopsych.com



Online reading: useful online articles and activities

The Web of Life Imperative
Reconnecting With Nature
Einstein's World
Well Mind, Well Earth





















Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature




Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!

















"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally receive from natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to repair the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.






Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine



Grant-funded, social and environemntal science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online







"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein.


