


SYNOPSIS: Accredited Nature-Connecting Degree Courses On Line: Natural career education personal and professional whole life system training grants and jobs.

This field report describes a funded Mother Earth sensory science that improves health wellness and counseling. It helps our thinking and feeling tap into the healing spirit of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers. Participants benefit from alternative therapist coaching, stress release management, holistic spiritual psychology and environmental nature love as well as other topics. See below.




Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning to increase person/planet well being.






















































Field Report: an online program participant, shares her results from a nature-connecting activity.


Yesterday morning, my authority overrun thoughts were singing an old, familiar though not very inspiring tune. "There is not enough time. There is not enough money. There is not enough energy. There is not enough me.

In an effort to center myself, I had paused to read and contemplate from Stephen Mitchell's interpretation of the Tao te Ching.

"All things are born of being.
Being is born of non-being.

The meaning of these words somewhat eluded me. But I sensed that understanding them was important for me. At this point in my life, I wanted nothing more than the ability to just "be, and feel that in my being, I am living my life in accord with what matters. So, I asked, with a great desire to know, "How is 'being' born of non-being?

Later in the day, I had just returned from taking my daughter to her violin lesson. It had been raining all morning. I consciously decided to pause before entering the house to have a PNC moment. I stood at the edge of the garage looking out at the sky's waterfall. It was then, that I heard a familiar sound- "Vvvvvvp.

A couple of years ago, the hummingbird and I began to form a close relationship. He or she always seems to show up in extraordinary ways at the times when I need guidance or reassurance the most.

"I hear you, I said. But, I don't see you.

"VVVVVVVVp! the answer came.

I looked in the direction of the sound, but still no sign of the hummingbird. I hoped that if I stood still enough, I would catch sight of the little fellow.

Then suddenly, with a flash of iridescent green and a splash of apple red- about fifteen feet from where I was standing there he was.

I was so delighted to see him, that at first I forgot to thankfully ask permission to do the activity with him. But, I did remember to raise my finger frame camera and take a few snapshots.

I was immediately struck by his focus. In amongst my coral bells, he moved with such grace and intention. From blossom to blossom he went, gathering nectar. He seemed almost oblivious of the fact that his wings were moving at about five hundred miles per hour. He also seemed to be oblivious to something else.

I recently was told by a beekeeper that the world's food supply is primarily pollinated by three beings: bumble bees, honey bees, and hummingbirds.

Yet, in performing his daily routine, the hummingbird seems unconscious of the blessing he is to the rest of us. He doesn,t expect any awards, scholarships or pay raises. He just does what needs doing to care for himself and his family And the world is fed.

It seemed that the hummingbird had arrived to help me discover an answer to my morning's question, "How is 'being' born of non-being?

Indeed, in that moment the hummingbird seemed to capture the essence of non-being.

Nothing to prove.
No desire for credit.
No expectation of appreciation.

Just "being- born of non-being.

I began to recognize where I tend to get hung up. My life can become so fueled by my fears.

There is not enough time, because I am afraid that if I don't prove that I can do everything perfectly, I will no longer be loved.
There is not enough money, because I am afraid of losing the credit/prestige that money brings.
There is not enough energy, because I am afraid that if I don't scramble to stay on top of it all- I will be unappreciated or even worse-

There is not enough me. Infact, sometimes it seems that I don't even know me. I just know the thing that my fears tell me I have to prove myself to be.

So, little fellow, I look to you to help me release my fears. Help me learn non-being, so that "being can be born in me.

Suddenly the hummingbird darted to a set of coral bells about five feet from where I was standing,

I wondered if, and hoped that, he might approach even closer to do his work in the coral bells that were by my feet. And then- as if reading my mind there he was.

What wonder! What grace! He was directly below my nose. I sensed that he was giving me permission to do the activity with him, & subtly reminding me that I had forgotten to ask for permission.

I did so.

And then, I asked him to teach me of "non-being & "being.

"What do you need? he seemed to ask. "What do you need to receive- to simply care for yourself and your family?

I smiled at the simplicity of it all. I began to sense that all things would be taken care of just as they needed to be- if I would just be willing to trust my ability to care.

Lao-tzu says it this way:

Open yourself to the Tao,
Then trust your natural response;
And everything will fall into place.

This was no small realization for me. The truth of it reverberated in my spirit- placed there by the beating vibration of hummingbird wings?

Now, it was my turn to be oblivious. The rain was splattering down on my bowed head, but I was still. In the quiet, the hummingbird's wings disappeared. All that was to be seen or felt was the stillness of his body, and the power of his intention.

Gratitude filled my being.

The hummingbird and I breathed as one- in and out...in and out.

"So, perhaps, I mused "This is me. .

"Thank you, dear little fellow, for helping me release my fears. Thank you for helping me to just be.


"There must be the generating force of Love behind every effort that is to be successful."
.....-Henry Danid Thoreau

"The activities enable Nameless Intelligent Attraction Love to embrace itself in you and instantly bring the presence of Nature's essence into your life.
.....-Reconnecting With Nature


For me, the hummingbird bore witness to the truth of these statements.

I can fly only when my focus is love. I can accomplish only when my mind is still. I am the hummingbird. I just forgot for a while.

When I stop to realize that if I hadn't taken the time to pause and look out at the rain with gratitude- I never would have had this beautiful interaction with the hummingbird. I would have been in the house while he was in my coral bells. I am grateful that I didn't allow this moment to be taken away from me- by my hurried wrangled thoughts. It saddens me to think that I could have missed it.

This activity definitely enhanced my self esteem in a huuuuuge way. How can I hang out with a hummingbird and not get the grandness in all of creation including myself.

Part of me that was re-educated, my trust in the fact that there is an abundance of time, money, energy, and me. Not out there somewhere in the future- only in now.
The key is in trusting the love that I am.

I am a person who receives good feelings by being quiet in nature.

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Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
Naturally Attracted DVD video


Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

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Alarm! Alarm!

Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.












Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine


Grant-funded, social and environemntal science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online













"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein.






