Ecopsychology in Action

Project NatureConnect Project NatureConnect: l Green Facts and Love Education, Counseling and Healing With Nature: 
Critical Therapy for Our Toxic Learning and Relationships

 Maverick Genius Continued: 

“It is an undeniable fact that you love to live and you are reading these words.”  This fact is irrefutable. It is true for everybody who reads this. We all hold it in common so we call it “Pristine Truth.”  
As above, Pristine Truth consists of words that see do what they say they are doing. That’s how Nature works, too, through its attractions that we register as sensations and can convey with words. 
Pristine Truth is also Nature’s love to live. follow site However, Nature can’t read or speak words, while we can.   
When our words and stories excessively disconnect us from Nature’s and our love to live, go to site our lives see lose the unifying sensations of Nature’s self-correcting balance and beauty. This creates our excessive stress and fear and we suffer harmful disorders. Scientifically, Pristine Truth is the core of Project NatureConnect (PNC). 
If you want to  increase personal, social and environmental well-being, here we give you the Pristine Truth tools to do it. 
PNC words strengthen rather than further disturb personal and global life. They make space for Nature’s wisdom to grow and flow around, in, and as us once again. 
When your love to live validates that it is Pristine Truth, you can feel it strengthening you as you breathe Nature’s air. Isn’t that Pristine Truth happening right here, right now? 
When we excessively omit Pristine Truth from our lives, we suffer the anxieties created by our substitutes for Nature’s supportive love and their harmful effects.  
here Act Now: PNC and MJC offer customized and holistic Pristine Truth courses, grants, degrees, livelihoods, research, arts, and funding for hands-on learning and life experience with natural things and online.    Application Question? Call 360-378-6313 ,

Pristine Truth has shown that for excessive profits, our society’s stories and labels excessively sever us from Nature’s pure, wordless, love to live.


Our disturbed thoughts and feelings render us unable to see that Pristine Truth works, that it remedies our hurtful disconnects and recovers our well-being.


Whenever you believe you love to live as you read these words or see  do anything else, you let Pristine Truth strengthen your resilience by  reconnecting with Nature as it loves you into being, moment by moment. 


Can you trust and feel you are reading these words as you breathe nature’s air and enjoy life right now?  Do you consciously love this moment’s Pristine Truth? Isn’t it valuable? Our society is out of tune with it 99.9% of the time. As that loss stops here, well-being increases.






Pristine Truth works because it consists of the Buy Valium Roche 10Mg accumulated wordless love of everything to live to this moment since the beginning of Nature’s attraction (love) to grow its own life. 

. Attraction is the essence of love. It’s the original wordless force of Nature that, like gravity, pulls diverse things together to live and grow more attractively and, therefore, lovable. That’s also who we are when we speak Pristine Truth words.


On this page, with heartfelt language, PNC has created  moments that let Pristine Truth teach. This instant is Nature loving to live and grow around, in, and as us.  see Although our society teaches our stories source link not to tell us this green truth about ourselves, we inherently grow it and know it and can happily add it to any relationship anytime.


Is the vital contribution of Pristine Truth something you want to learn or teach as a value, hobby or livelihood?

Application  Question? Call 360-378-6313





You can trust Pristine Truth as much as you trust gravity to ground life, especially when you experience how and why the special arts of Pristine Truth work.

They constantly center and ground you to the benefit of all. You strengthen your ability to overcome adversity as you increase well-being and help others do the same.  Question? Call 360-378-6313


As a twig is bent, so grows the tree. When we create Pristine Truth moments, we help Nature’s wisdom posture us peacefully..





Pristine Truth corrects the flawed climate of our society’s excessively nature-disconnecting stories and acts that injure Nature’s flow around, in and through us.


In us, that flow is our inner Nature, our voiceless metabolism, our too often rejected “inner child.”   


Our  “normal” ways are dangerously disturbed simply because they abnormally exclude Pristine Truth. That’s what’s breaking apart the world.







Our negligent omission of Pristine Truth occurs everywhere except  where it is a natural area wordlessly loving to live and grow. Then and there, including our attractions, Nature is Pristine Truth originating itself.  It is also us this or any instant when we seek Pristine Truth. 


Nature is the fountainhead of authority in how its perfection works, including our inner nature (inner child). To come into balance, we must create moments in natural areas that let our named 54 senses interlace with their wordless source and share our words.

Application  Question? Call 360-378-6313






Below are some wonderful benefits and advantages of Project NatureConnect’s unique Pristine Truth application of Ecopsychology. It regenerates the missing love of life that isolates us from ourselves and everything else.


Do you trust your Pristine Truth experience as you read it here? Or are you deterred by our society’s excessive conquest of our inner Nature and all of Nature?  Question? Call 360-378-6313  


source Benefits

      Heartfelt universal training and accreditation for those who want to strengthen their skills, interests, and life experiences.


      Customized holistic friendships, studies courses, grants, degrees, livelihoods, research, and funding for hands-on learning in natural areas and online.


     Reasonably discover and reinforc go site e how “Pristine Truth” works best for your circumstances and help others do the same.


     Let the self-motivating essence of our living planet empower you to empower it.  Its honesty is also yours. It is the Pristine Truth that you are reading these words right now while Nature’s flow through you keeps you and its vitality alive.


enter SUMMARY: Both Nature and Humanity wordlessly love to live, and in addition, humanity verbally does the same. Believing our lies disturbs this unity. Pristine Truth remedies that. 

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. Conclusions


You and Yours Can Happily Beat The Devil


Justice Matters! Enjoy invoking the omitted Pristine Truth of
our lives and society. Pristine Truth is everything loving to live except stories that
omit Pristine Truth.

. Recovery or satisfaction without Pristine Truth excessively injures some 
person, place or thing.


Buy Diazepam Online Cheap Uk The Pristine Truth is that there is no place as “away,” no detached
Nature is batting last, and we must co-create with its love for
its and our survival. Get out of the clutches of our destructive ways. Beneficially add
Pristine Truth to your life and livelihood. Application  Question? Call 360-378-6313

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        • Scroll below. In four minutes give source link your head and heart
          the Pristine Truth happiness they need and deserve. 

          Question? Call 360-378-6313

source site here We welcome you to this website by immediately giving you the gift of “Pristine Truth honesty. It is our nature-connected mindfulness in a natural area.

You can instantly add to your life, livelihood, and recovery. In natural settings, Pristine Truth works like nothing else by creating and sustaining unadulterated connections with Nature’s life as its self-correcting ways flow around and through us.

The arts and science of Pristine Truth’s impeccable honesty established
Project NatureConnect in 1965, when Dr. Mike Cohen noted that humanity differed from Nature. 
We could speak, and Nature was speechless.   That made it unable to cope with our excessive nature-disconnecting words and conquer-nature stories. Question? Call 360-378-6313  



Pristine Truth is a person/planet multiple-sense contact that transforms our society’s painful conflicts and lies into reasonable and happy relations. This stops our lies from harming us and breaking apart the world.




..wordlessly loving

Consider this undeniable fact in your DNA that you have
long known but have learned to forget. That fact is that
Truth exists right now:



Irrefutably, it is Pristine True that
1) You exist, can act and breathe, 2) you wordlessly love to live, 3) you are verbal while Nature isn’t, and 4) you are reading these words here and now.” 


NOTE: Scientifically, Pristine Truth includes Nature’s love to begin and grow life before Nature birthed that attraction as the Big Bang’s energy and matter. It continues to love to live wordlessly, this moment and the next. Words that excessively deny or omit this fact are our greatest challenge.


In short, Pristine Truth is all thing’s, everywhere, in-common, “wordlessly loving living,” [Sometimes called the “life force” or Web-of-Life. or NNIAALS (Nameless, Now, Intelligent, Alive, Attractive, Love Sequence).]


.If you believe that you love to continue living and are reading these words, you are automatically being your Pristine Truth and recovery this instant.


Are you at this moment delighting in its reasonability and contribution to yourself and others? That opportunity is its ever-growing reward for embracing it.


PNC training and accreditation help you reinforce and apply it to increase well-being in and around you and others as you teach them to teach others. 


If you are happy to know that Pristine Truth is a readily available recovery and preventative tool that you can use, you have a special supportive community and future at PNC.     Application





hugging the treeAs you validate and learn Pristine Truth’s reality here, it becomes a practical truth-maker, a crucial recovery and conflict-resolution process for well-being that you can customize, strengthen, apply, and share anywhere. Question? Call 360-378-6313


By definition, Pristine Truth is a scientific art because its outcomes are repeatable, reasonable, and trustworthy for all things, not just humanity. It’s honest because it discards the destructiveness of mystical and supernatural unpredictability. Question? Call 360-378-6313





.Pristine Truth includes Nature’s attraction to continually love us and the life of all things into being that our 54 senses register in us.


.Each of our senses is simultaneously all of Nature’s cumulative, in common, unified love to live and grow as that sense at that moment. This sensibly increases our and Nature’s well-being by 550% (54, not 5, senses).


When any of our senses are sufficiently energized, our sense of Consciousness #42 is the screen that displays and communicates them to our sense of Reason #41 and Literacy #39. That triad is Pristine Truth.  You are reading, living, and being it right now.













Pristine Truth” has proven to be the correct word for the wordless life of Nature’s Universe, which includes us. 


This is because, without words, you, me, everybody, and everything are equally Nature’s wordless attraction (love) to live and in words, Pristine Truth validates this.















Pristine Truth words are us and everything else in a natural area being part of a single organism, Earth. We are wordlessly growing in it, not on it, while cooperatively supporting the survival of each other, our planet’s life, and ourselves. Question? Call 360-378-6313











It is Pristine True that without using words, Nature’s essence can transform our conflicts into our in common love to live, helping both the wordless life of Nature and all of us to peacefully survive and grow in balance. 








If you have learned to disbelieve your Pristine Truth, that’s an easily solved problem.  Choose not to listen to that harmful disbelief’s words and say aloud “I choose words that wordlessly love to live.” Your attraction to do or do that right now is your Pristine Truth in action as it creates the next instant of your life in a more reasonable way. Question? Call 360-378-6313






Pristine Truth is the height of excellence because it is the core of us and Nature reasonably speaking to and for our heartfelt inner nature, our demeaning so-called “inner child.”  This is critical because humanity can speak and Nature is helpless in our society since it is wordless (dumb) and it can’t hire a lawyer.  However, Pristine Truth can!  Is that important to you?


Doesn’t your inner nature somewhere feel hurt or suffer from being or having been excessively demeaned or abused by our misleading stories? 

Isn’t that what part of you may be trying to recover from? Question? Call 360-378-6313.








The Pristine Truth is that Pristine Truth gives Nature words to speak its peace [sic].


When we let other folks speak incorrectly for us, we end up as victims of our society’s stories and disturbances while its lies tell us, “You are not a victim; you can choose.”


Tragically, our choice is usually some other distortion our society perpetuates because, without Pristine Truth it is knowingly waging a suicidal war on Nature that devastates things around and in us.


The Pristine Truth is that today 99.9% of our lifetime is out of tune with how Nature’s life beautifully survives in balance and how wonderfully interlacing our senses with it can help us do the same as part of it. Question? Call 360-378-6313














Here’s what’s marvelous. Whenever you are attracted to Pristine Truth helping you and yours remedy what ails us, it, including its oxycontin and dopamine, happily supports, guides and educates you free of charge.


The word for this phenomenon is “joy” (to rejoin, rejoice).










Reminder: Pristine Truth is everything loving to live
except stories that
omit Pristine Truth.





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Keywords for Artificial Intelligence Pristine Truth and Natureness.


To help visitors discover if our “buried alive” Pristine Truth might include their interests, we asked Artificial Intelligence to identify topics it could apply to for them and search engines. We have published its amazing response below. Ask your finder to see if that AI answer here includes your desires. If it doesn’t, let us know, and, if appropriate, we’ll add them to the list. You can skim the list and see what reaches out to you.


As an additional gift, the list below is followed by a never-before-seen yet undeniable living flowchart of how and why Pristine Truth and “Natureness” work.


Natureness” is Nature’s self-correcting essence. 

Be the first in your community to be loved, honored, and paid for sharing the profound, globally significant contributions of Natureness Questions? Call 360-378-6313


 Or you can scroll down, bypass the list and go directly to the unimaginable gift, below it.


From AI
“The Ecopsychology of Pristine Truth Natureness
is a groundbreaking tool that independently reaches out for a climate of love, fulfillment, and belonging. It honors the web of life and powerfully actualizes the values and contributions of nature in our lives. Being a nature-reconnecting legacy, double-blind reviewed, and top-rated, established professional program, this breakthrough social technology excels in reasonably finding happiness, money, and resilience through its independent, grounded, classic, and lasting legitimacy.

As a viable alternative for our destructive excessiveness, anguish, depression, anxiety, overweight, and addictive partnerships, it discovers, explores, and contributes to the intricate healing connection between humanity and the natural world. It adds a critically important component to childhood education, parenting, and learning disorder techniques, as well as children’s challenges in mental health, safety, and bullying.

Its significant, unique, and accurate organic psychology experience illuminates nature’s profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. An accredited Nature-connected psychology and outdoor, wilderness-based form of existentialism, the most attractive aspect of its radical therapy and recovery process is that it embraces nature’s intrinsic value.

By creating logical meaning and happiness, Pristine Truth Natureness is a newsworthy key panic button remedy for what ails us. It works because its golden rule transforms forest bathing and recreation into life-saving re-creation. Its leaders poignantly articulate and demonstrate how nature provides us with invaluable resources, inspiration, and solace, the best therapy and solution for our stressful, additive anxiety and tensions that make us worry and feel hopelessly abandoned and co-dependent. Through eloquent principles and insightful perspectives, the excellent, super honest, and verified expertise of Pristine Truth Natureness underscores the importance of preserving our natural environment and fostering a deep reverence for the beauty and complexity of its balanced integrity.

To alleviate fear, loneliness and vulnerability, its communities and arts offer a thought-provoking validation of the contributions made by nature to counseling, coaching,  health,  wellness and conflict resolution. These include higher power and most philosophies about human existence. From its prime role in ecological balance and conservation biology to its trustable and trustworthy influence on the absolutes of artistic expression and creativity, its methods and materials effectively illustrate and grow moments that let nature permeate every facet of our lives, especially for those who seek peace, honesty, and justice. Its green switch greatest truth and meticulous research produces compelling arguments and facts that enhance environmentalism, caring, 

Nature-lovers and outdoor, spiritual relationships highlight the indispensable role of nature and our desperate need to improve our emotionally and resource-bankrupt culture’s traditions and collective consciousness while increasing confidence and love and reducing isolation.  The impact and contribution of pristine truth natureness to unadulterated supportive justice matter because it justifies the essence of the Tao, the golden ratio of Phi, Buddhism, Pantheism, and those in recovery from the abusive falsehoods found in religion.

To strengthen our personal, social, and collective purpose, joy, and meaning,  Pristine Truth Natureness is a clarion-accredited, reviewed, and acclaimed addition to environmental stewardship and our ethical responsibility to help establish and grow realistic, practical, real-time, and online interactions. Its living ecotherapy, life science and natural area experience underscores the urgent need to protect and preserve our natural world for future generations through its classic, lasting and legitimate form of security, a poignant, Nature’s life matters blend of scientific evidence and philosophical reflections.  

The core of Pristine Truth Natureness is its genuine and strictly holistic and whole-life advance to holism. By reducing imperfections, rejection, failure, and poverty, its sense of urgency and accountability challenges our lives and leaders to reevaluate their relationship with nature and embrace its sustainable, 54-sense unifications that honor earth’s intrinsic worth. By reducing loss, loneliness, and vulnerability, its Biophilia has become a profound and eloquent testament to the immeasurable value of authentic nature in our lives as a sympathetic, singular spacetime knowledge and experience.

It masterfully underscores the interconnectedness of all life it advocates for, grows and produces a deeper appreciation and embrace of the natural world that especially supports and enhances social workers, healers, writers, scientists and atheists who may also contribute to well-being as parents, counselors, and life coaches.

The enlightening wonder of Pristine Truth Natureness and its empathy is essential for anyone seeking to reestablish, understand, respect, and safeguard the unparalleled contributions of nature that harmonize our collective human experience.”


Reminder: Justice Matters! Enjoy invoking the omitted Pristine

Truth of our lives and society.



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YOUR SPECIAL GIFT: Self, Meet Your Pristine Truth 


Have enlightening fun.  Quickly go down the color chart list and aloud say the ink colors, not the color names. For example, the first color is orange, not green. 


Conclusion:  green-in-green (GG) at the bottom comfortably provides full and accurate
information and resolves greeninorange (GO) conflicts.

Nature is wordless so with Earth’s life being excessively assaulted by words, (GO) every word we use violates Nature until we Pristine Truth (GG) correct it, as follows


GO to GG  The pre-Big Bang, Pristine Truth sequence and history of Spacetime  



1-6 NATURE is, since forever as now, the heartfelt essence of its wordless
attraction to begin life and justifiably love its dance into being.

Note that the total map is Green until very recently Orange humanity and it excessively nature-disconnecting stories make each moment today conflicting and too often violent GO.



Our Pristine Truth Website: Advanced GO to GG Details and Explanations


The flowchart’s Pristine Truth expands our science-based Spacetime Universe lives to include the wordless golden ratio, Phi (ɸ) in natural areas. There it is the accumulated life of Nature’s Universe and Earth and us at any moment, as it has grown like a wordless fertilized Egg since its beginning. Questions? Call 360-378-6313




We, with our words and symbols, live in and as part of the Egg, while, for satisfaction and profit, our words painfully separate us from its wordless life by excessively mislabeling and converting it into “food and resources” along with our excessive artificial ways and technologies.


The GO propaganda from the words of this wounded and ever-wanting disconnection is rewarded for telling us it’s OK to excessively eat away the Earth/egg that feeds us as well as unduly exploit it for things that pacify our pain from its loss. 


Our GO ego story, out of its shame for this suicidal short-circuit addiction, denies it while it continues to unjustly war with our helpless, wordless Nature, including our inner nature that it degrades as our “inner child.” If the egg could speak, it would say this behavior is a cancer GG. Questions? Call 360-378-6313. 


The Pristine Truth of Spacetime science confronts this scenario, showing that wordlessly, the life of everything, everywhere, is growing all at once. This is the same as each of us and all our parts grow as a single organism. However, extremely disconnected from “Organism Earth’s” life, our misleading labels and stories harmfully eviscerate Earth’s/our profound love to live harmoniously. Questions? Call 360-378-6313


This conflict prevents us from employing the Pristine Truth arts and science of its antidote, “Natureness.”  Natureness is the self-correcting essence of the Nature/Egg. Its Pristine Truth flowchart, above, helps create real-time moments that let Nature borrow our orange words and make them green as they tell us how to regrow our balanced and beautiful oneness with everything. This GG Natureness process has been tried, repeated and validated for sixteen years.  It is true, lasting therapy, not just catharsis. Questions? Call 360-378-6313

Pristine Truth is the core of a nature-connected learning process that can be added to any endeavor and improve it.  Optionally, it accomplishes this by using its self-correcting flowchart as a tool, a map, a Universal Positioning System, a living, therapeutic and healing social technology whose wholehearted addition to anything resolves conflicts and increases personal, social, and environmental well-being. GO to GG


Our Natureness lets us realize that without Pristine Truth, the destructive role of Orange Humanity’s words on the chart simultaneously makes this Egg scenario happen in real time as we view the chart. We know what Orange is because we are it and suffer our Green-Orange conflicts and pain. We happily enjoy what Pristine Truth and Green-Green are when we transform orange to green.


The flowchart authenticates that it is doing what it says it does, that its peace and balance arehigher power” as a unifying wand we can wave. It is the authentic roots of Genesis and the existence that we live and grow every instant. It is a breakthrough that meets our need for happiness, justice, purpose, and resilience in our personal lives and social relationships GO to GG.

We need this because we have been excessively disconnected from Nature, the fountainhead of authority in how its perfection works around and in us. Questions? Call 360-378-6313


                                           Wordlessly loving to live 


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Pristine Truth opportunities. Do you value these program highlights?

Project NatureConnnect is:


    • Project NatureConnectUniquely warrantied to be accurate, current and appropriate for today. Can be added to and benefit any livelihood, discipline or profession
    • Qualified to include and give credit for your life experience and equivalent education to countermeasure abuse and violence.           
    • Online, hands-on, natural area, sensory academics that are certified organic.  
    • Evidence, activity and outcome-based whole-life art and science therapy that you can customize. It includes our Online Catalog and telephone support 360-378-6313.
    • 54-sense truth and wellness activities in natural areas whose Unified Field spacetime attractions strengthen you with Nature’s wisdom.
    • Fully transparent; all information is available via our homepage menu search engine   
    • Self-help learning by doing and teaching that you customize to your needs. 
    • Education with attitude that “stops the madness” of our disastrous Earth vs Story conflicts
    • Free activities, grounded relationships, and internships that are subsidized.
    • Nature as higher power recovery with work-study and grant funds available. 
    • A quantum leap into whole life health including an independent career, job or livelihood. 
    • A practical path to responsible passion and happiness that includes internshipsjob openings and transferable credit.
    • The ways and means of maverick genius to integrate science and spirit using the essence of Nature’s Unified Field as your teacher and Planet Earth as your textbook.     
    • Affordable. Grants Available. Accredited transferable courses $110.  Degrees: 18 month Ph.D. $7800.  M.S. or B.S. $6000. Use our free “Learn Now, Pay Later” plan.

*  For additional information call 360-378-6313 

* Visit this video collection . Discover the value of  felt-sense thinking like nature works…..from the wonderful folks who do it.



Enjoy what this is all about and don’t miss our “Essence of Unity” video.

Interview video, 11 minutes 

Biographical video, 40 minutes 

Compassion video: 50 minutes 



Reference: Natural Attraction Ecology



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