"In contemporary society, a readily available process for building environmentally responsible inner peace, social relationships and global unity has been absent. Now, research shows that a Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) meets this need."

- PeaceWithEarth.org



Attraction Secrets



Sensory secrets of nature, critical thinking and balance

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, to see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

-Henry David Thoreau

The extraordinary scientific inquiry below conveys seldom acknowledged information.
It is fundimental to wellness and balance in your life and all life on Earth.

Part of youself fully understands and and applauds this inquiry's disclosures because it has experienced them.

Another part of you has been taught to rebuke them and assaults the part of you that respects them.

All of us live in this conflict. It erodes our energies, relationships and integrity. It deprives us of lasting fulfillment.

On our choice to let the following inquiry guide us, rides the wellness of our relationships with ourselves, others, and our planet.

Each of the 12 ecopsychology questions below are concerned with natural attractions. Each question brings part of yourself further into your awareness. Once you acknowledge that part of you, go on to the next question.


Principles of Natural Attractions

"The senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge"
-Maria Montessori


For a minute, think about an enjoyable experience you have had in an attractive natural area be it a backyard, park or back country.

Recognize that what you felt good about there happened naturally. Webstrings , your inherent natural senses, registered in your consciousness. You did not have to take a class or read a special book to sense and appreciate the area. You inherited this natural ability. It is found in young children even before they can speak.

Consider the rest of this page with respect to your good experience in an attractive natural place.


The power of natural attraction:

"An attraction is conscious of itself in some way, otherwise how would it know what to be attracted to?"
- Michael J. Cohen

1. Do you ever stop to think about natural attractions?

. Did you ever stop to think that an atom consists of, is held together by, and moves toward natural attractions? For this reason, all of nature, including yourself, consists of these attractions and is sensitive to them.

3. Are you aware that nature's attractions help produce its perfection, its wellness, diversity, and cooperation, its purity, equilibrium and beauty? Do you recognize that nature helps create. purify, recycle, and sustain life through natural attractions?

Natural sensory attractions: The biology of feeling:

"Nothing is more indisputable than our senses"
-Jean Le Rond d'Alembert

4. Are you aware that nature's attraction energies feelingly register in our consciousness and thinking as reasonable sensory webstring love attractions? For example:

-as natural loves for sight, touch, and sound;
-as attachments to water (including thirst), color and community;
-as affinities for nurturing, belonging and trust,
-as desires for for attractiveness, contact with nature, and wholeness.
-as hungers for food, relationships and sounds.

If you don't believe these are sensory attraction loves, ask yourself "Which ones am I willing to give up?" Isn't each attractive?

At least 53 distinct webstring attractions are found throughout nature including human nature. We are born conscious of them through our senses. Our inner nature (inner child) is like a thoughtful, sensory, love magnet. Through its attraction to many attractions, it naturally loves, and wants to safely be loved by, people, places and things.

Heighten your sensory awareness:

5. Are your aware that by activating our inner nature we can think and love in balance through our 53 webstring attraction senses? To our loss, our technological society educates us to mostly nurture, use and ordinarily be conscious of less than eight of our natural senses. We "jail" the rest of our natural senses in our "subconscious."

6. Did it ever occur to you that our society is excessively separated from nature? That our estrangement from nature psychologically disconnects us from the pure equilibrium of natural attractions that normally support and hold life in balance and wellness?


I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."
- John Burroughs

7. Do you recognize that our disconnection from our webstring sensory attractions in balance results in a powerful sensory void, an unfulfillment we call greed? It also produces our addictive psychological attachments to substitute fulfillments like fashions, excessive food, technologies and substances. These become unsolveable personal, social and environmental problems. If you don't believe they are addictions, just try to change them.

Resolving problems sensibly:

8. Have you noticed that our runaway problems do not exist in nature or nature-centered people, that your troubles often subside when you visit a natural area?

Making sense of our lives:

The laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive."
-Henry David Thoreau

9. Do you see the value in learning how to let our 53 naturally balanced senses reconnect with attractions in nature and rejuvenate? The process plugs us directly into our origins and nature's ways. It brings sensory energies from nature into our thinking and being. It recharges and increases our sensibility, balance and wellness. We feel good. Anybody who has enjoyed a visit to a natural area, backyard or backcountry, can confirm this phenomenon.

Coming to our senses:

10. Are not Earth and its people at risk? Isn't it reasonable for us to make more sense, to live and relate more sensibly?

. Isn't it time that we stop our non-sense (sic), that we come to our senses by letting tangible sensory contact with nature restore our many attraction senses and help bring us back into balance? This process has scientificallyy proven effective in education, psychotherapy, healing and recovery.

"From atoms and molecules to human beings with developed consciousness, all entities feel attraction for one another. . . . attraction is the law of nature" -P.R.Sarkar."

12. If you agree, why not learn how to become further involved in the process for
fun, wellness and profit? We guarantee you will find it fulfilling because if you agree with it, you are ready for it, it is attractive. You may do it alone or with friends. There is already an established international support community that will help you go in any attractive direction with the process.

"There must be the generating force of Love behind every effort that is to be successful. "
-Henry David Thoreau


13. Enjoy this important overview article about attractions.

For an interesting article that further explains the Natural Systems Thinking Process through the quotes on this page, visit The Web of Life.





What you can do:

The Orientation Course, below, responds to 32 critical life relationship questions. They are answered by enabling you to enjoy and then share online ten authentic, sensory, Nature connected attraction experiences over a 12 day to 5-week period.

Sign the Earth Day Petition for Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth and put to use the Earth Day Activity




ORIENTATION COURSE: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

An exciting, inexpensive ($35) blend of shared, online activity, information and training with credit optional. Learn by doing. Become a practitioner anywhere. This is a free course if it meets your needs, a transferable prerequisite for additional courses, degrees and participation. The course is our best, most complete and useful way to help nature restore the good nature of humanity in contemporary society. It opens new vistas in academics, counseling, careers, spirit and wellness, vistas that recycle and purify destructive thinking. Optional Credit $42.00



Einstein's World: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity A non-fiction, metaphor, book and reading course. It helps you reverse nature disconnection disorders from your home. You can take it, teach it and be paid, too. Book $15.00, Course $20.00. Optional Credit $42.00



FREE: Our Free Course online enables you to sample the Natural Systems Thinking Process to learn, first hand, its thrust and benefits.
