Greening Zen Beauty and Gratitude : Enjoy Sustainable, Nature Wonder and Laughter Counseling, Therapist, Degree Training, Life Courses and Coaching Online: Participate in Natural Wonders and Build Trust Intelligence Programs for the Holistic Practioner in Alternative Natural Career Education Social Psychology. Reduce Trust Issues and Enjoy Laughter Love Through Personal and Professional Environmental Health and Wellness Scholarships, Grants and Jobs.


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Social Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Enjoy nature's distance learning programs, professions, careers and job opportunities.

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to learn, trust and teach

Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature

How to Build Trust by "Greening"
Degrees and Distant Learning
Opportunities that Remedy Trust Issues.

Enjoy online, natural,  Zen and gratitude studies,  jobs and nature beauty careers through accredited online environmental  training courses and education.

Integrate a green advantage into laughter love  holistic learning and natural wonder intelligence.

Help others gain nature's beauty and well-being benefits.

Master and teach the essential Zen and social psychology of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature.  

Discover how green thinking science in schools and private practice, can internationally improve body, mind and spirit.

Our holistic sensory education courses empower you to tap your critical thinking into nature's grace, balance and self-correcting power, backyard or backcountry.

We invite you to use our alternative training program to connect with the restorative and purifying ways of nature trust and spirit, in and around us.

Improve your skill to develop organic, whole-life, learning,  and wonders of nature health programs.

Take advantage of holistic degree
s about sensory nature connecting intelligence and career opportunities:

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How Nature Works:  The Natural Systems Thinking Process

NOTE: The quoted information, below, contains parts of field study samples from anonymous participants in our sensory green nature-connection program.  Other examples and findings are available through links on our survey page.

"My Zen experience in nature shows me that I am a person who gets good feelings from watching the branch tips of the evergreen move ever so gently and effortlessly with the slightest breeze. I am impressed and nurtured by the relationship between the tree and the breeze and between the tree's dance and me. The wonder here makes this a safe and loving place for me to be.  There is no question that it builds trust in it.

This was such a simple moment.  Resting on the log, looking up to the beaurty pf a pale sky, enjoying the silhouette of the lacy branch, watching the effortless sway and dance, noticing there was no resistance.

I learned that nature, for me, is almost always a safe place.  I learned that to be connected is only a matter of awareness.  I learned that when I am connected, I feel more love ande alive, more like the authentic "me."

This was such a simple moment, yet in the laughter of the activities of the day that followed, it may have been one of the most important because I felt real and grounded.  I could refer back to it with a thought, and still be affected by it.  If I had not experienced it, I would have had a less loving day and more trust issues.

I felt loved, connected to my authentic self. The part that it re-educated was that of the immediacy and generosity of nature.

"Who I am in nature is one who is worthy of peace, and that peace is available all around me in what I call nature."

The branch that dances in the sky is still dancing -- am I?"

"To me the callings of the natural world and its beauty were undeniable. They offered unconditional love and I deeply felt gratitude. They never spoke harsh words. I could SO relate to the Zen of these words! I could also relate to this statement:
"I trusted the magic of fire far more than most promises ever made to me."
I, too, was promised many things - so many of which never came true- from people I was supposed to rely on and trust.
And finally, the last statement, "You can find that truth by trusting what you experience - what you sense and feel..."
Right on- I now only trust what I know and experience - not necessarily what I hear.
In this activity I am a crow - balancing on a post - calling out to the spirit of the winds. Seemingly filling up my entire body with air, so that my voice can be heard. My whole body puffs up and as I release my breath, I use my voice and it carries through the air. I attempt to make my voice sound like that of the crows. I watch another crow waddle along the ground. And attempt to move my body in the same way.

It's been a long time since I expanded my lungs to this degree. I can recollect participating in this expansion of things easier than I can in using my voice to the degree I did today.

The closest experience I've had to this is when I sometimes find myself wanting to howl at the full moon! Yes I do that! I feel so thrilled when I see a full moon - and feel so connected to the sky. It's like if I howl I somehow become a part of the sky. Of course - there are times when I do this in front of someone (without thought) and some either join in with me and do it themselves .. or .. they look at me as if I'm strange!
I enjoy being a crow because it reminds me to inhale and use my voice to its fullest capacity.
I like myself because I am able to take a deep breath and use my voice to its fullest capacity.
I am attracted to my fellow Singing Winds - their hearts and their voices (the words I get to read) are so beautiful. They give me a social psychology I use to be able to tap into the innate wisdom of their inner nature by tuning into nature around them. Then, I share those experiences with myself and others in the group. I appreciate you and am grateful to be a part of this group with you - for all you bring to my life and for all the affirmations you provide to me based on my experiences.


Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Readily available, online, nature-connecting tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course 