
The Greening of Acupuncture Programs: Nature-Connected, Sustainable, Holistic, Counseling, Therapist Degree Training, Life Courses and Coaching Online: Alternative Natural Career Education Psychology; Personal and Professional Environmental Health Psychology and Wellness Accupuncturist Healing; Chinese Medicine, Scholarships, Grants and Jobs.


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Health Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Green distance learning programs, professions, careers and job opportunities.


Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature

How to  "Green" Professional Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Opportunities
, Degrees and Distant Learning

Enjoy online, natural, "eco" degrees, creative arts therapy green jobs, careers and accredited environmental  training courses.

Integrate a green advantage into your acupuncture profession and your personal life.  

Help others gain green Chinese Medicine benefits and well-being.

Master and teach the essential science and psychology of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature.  

Discover how green thinking in acupuncture schools  can improve body, mind and spirit.

Our holistic acupuncturist sensory education courses empower you to tap your critical thinking into the grace, balance and self-correcting power of natural systems and their ways, backyard or backcountry.

We invite you to use our alternative program to connect with the restorative and purifying powers of nature's flow and spirit, in and around us.

Improve your skill to develop organic, whole-life, learning, acupuncture and health programs.

Take advantage of our green education, acupuncturist degree and health psycholgy career opportunity:

Obtain an Information and Application Form

or visit our Homepage 



How Nature Works:  The Natural Systems Thinking Process

NOTE: The quoted information, below, contains parts of field study samples from anonymous participants in our sensory green nature-connection program.  Other examples and findings are available through links on our survey page.

I am excited to find a adjunct Acupuncturist discipline that acknowledges the interconnectedness between man and nature. Since I was nine years old I have spent a great deal of my time in the American Indian culture and am so glad to see the Grandfather's teachings of the web of life being embraced by other peoples as well. I look forward to communicating with folks who, as part of Acupuncture, understand the spiritual as well as temporal import of working with nature and Mother Earth instead of destroying her.  I will use my experience and
abilities to help all truth seekers. 

I would recommend Chinese Medicine students in any discipline to take a PNC course as extending oneself with the smallest amount of faith into any nature-based discipline will yield immediate and satisfying results that can be measured in terms of improved clarity, focus, peace and well being.
Many medical doctors are now embracing green holistic health avenues such as massage, acupuncture, hydro-therapy, and nutrition because they work. If
more professionals could temporarily suspend judgement- as any good researcher must, and conduct non-biased experiments with the sensory connection approach to nature, they would soon have their own pragmatic proof that the intangible strings exist by the results they produce.
Intellectual resources alone cannot save our natural world from pollution, abuse and exploitation. Our continued existence on Mother Earth is determined by our earthkeeping relationship to her, obedience to natural laws and the truth of the Great Creator as manifested through web string connections as small as molecules and leptons to the great recirculating and renewing atmospheric systems, plate tectonics, magnetic storms and oceanic currents. 

The Indigenous Peoples recognize this life force and know that it is directed by the Great Creator. The original colonizers viewed Native Peoples as pagans because they respected the life force in all things and assumed by power of sheer numbers the right to subjugate and abuse not only them, but the raw and uncivilized wilderness. How much better we would all be if they had taken some lessons on how to preserve
the edenic state in which they found this land.

In 1996, I was introduced to shamanism through a series of
synchronistic events and, ultimately, it changed my perceptions about life.   Although my exterior life still looks the same, my interior world shifted  tremendously.

It was 1995 when I was led to beginning studying shamanic ways, altho‚
I had been drawn to indigenous ways all my life, and have spent most of my adult years in spiritual seeking of one sort or another.  Finding shamanism  for me was also „through a series of synchronistic events as you said.  It  was definitely very magickally guided for me as well.  In NSTP terms, I  could say that I sent some very strong, searching webstrings out into the  Universe, seeking the answers I needed for my own healing and fulfillment. 

The answer that returned to me was quite surprisingly rapid, specific and
more than I could have imagined.  Health Psychology combined with being part of the Web of Life is so cool!   But in the past six years nothing about my life looks the same.  In fact, it has metamorphosed several times in a perpetual death/change/rebirth process,  which we now understand is so clearly the ongoing, cyclical way of Nature to  create life and evolution.  Personally, I wouldn't mind a little stability  for awhile!

Some of my most profound moments have been a direct result of
connecting with nature.This has been true for me since I was a child.  I just wonder how  this continued to be a vital, critical essence for my happiness and  well-being when the other humans in my family, church, and larger society  held no value for it at all.

Last fall I was wrestling with feelings of discontent and restlessness.  I was asking the Universe what I was suppose to be doing next
and what was the purpose of my life ... you know, the simple questions!

"Applied Ecopsychology" has given me a socially and academically
acceptable term for something I believe deeply in.



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Readily available, online, nature-connecting tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250



The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book The Web of Life Imperative.