Applied Ecopsychology in Action: an antidote for personal and environmental abuse.
Make a difference. Tap into the intelligent power of your sensory origins.





A Nature Connecting Program for Sustained Emotional Wellness

Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Department of Intetgrated Ecology

....Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director ©2001













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The Natural Systems Thinking Process
a recovery tool for people and the environmment




"We cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well - for we will not fight to save what we do not love."

- Stephen Jay Gould




THINK FOR YOURSELF: If you are intelligent enough to recognize the importance of emotional bonds in sustaining responsible personal and environmental relationships, this web site will help you reach your deeper goals and ideals. .


Do you know your Emotional Bond IQ?

What number represents your agreement with Stephen Gould's quote above?

1 .........2.........3.........4.........5.........6..........7.........8..........9.........10.
disagree partially agree...........................fffully agree


If you agree that we need to forge emotional bonds with people and nature, this site gives you an easy to use, scientific, psychological, tool to this end. It enables you to build these bonds and teach others to do the same.



Research at the Institute of Global Education shows that, using a nature reconnecting process, even a child can safely build, and teach others to build, the emotional bond with nature described above by best selling author, Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, of Harvard.

The Institute's readily available education and counseling process trains and pays people to build connective bonds with nature independently, or in conjunction with others. Through this accredited process, natural systems and people help each other recover from contemporary society's abusiveness by transforming it into supportive relationships.




Why the Process works:

In the global life community two major things are true that we tend to overlook: nature is survival and everything loves to survive.

Because people are part of nature we are each born loving nature, loving to survive, loving life.

With respect to Dr. Gould's observation, we do not have to forge an emotional bond with nature. Rather, as part of nature, we inherit that that love bond. As in every other living thing, it is a critical component of our biology, psychology and spirit.

To our loss, in contemporary society we don't learn to nurture our inborn love of Nature. Instead, due to our society's excessive conquest and exploition of the natural world, we are rewarded to learn to disown and disconnect from nature. This emotionally slashes our love of nature so we seldom feel or express it. It hurts. To reduce the pain, our body buries it in our subconscious. There it psychologically contaminates our thoughts, feelings and relationships.




Psychological problems demand psychological solutions. To sustain responsible relationships, we must engage in an effective, nature reconnecting, education and counseling psychological process. It must help us nurture, restore and sustain our love of nature in our consciousness and thinking. This process must become a significant part of each skill we develop, relationship we build, and issue we face, personally, locally or globally.


Each of our trespasses ultimately results from our psychological suppression of our love of nature. We have yet to address this problem.


Pulitzer-Prize winning sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, Ph.D., of Harvard, affirms that people have an inherent biological need to be in contact with nature. He says we have a basic affinity for nature (Biophilia) and its instructive and healing properties; nature may hold the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive, and even spiritual satisfaction.






Because it is subconscious, we seldom recognize the destructive psychological link in the way we think. Its absence prevents us from solving our greatest problems.

Most of us have become Ecozombies, desensitized, environmental deadheads. On average, society conditions us to spend over 95% of our time and 99.9% of our thinking disconnected from nature. That is equivalent to brainwashing. Nature's absence leaves us wanting. We feel we never have enough. We greedily, destructively, consume and, goaded by advertising, we can't stop.

Nature no longer helps us recycle our destructive thoughts into constructive relationships. Instead, its loss in our emotional lives produces a hurt, hungering, void within us. That void bullies us into our dilemmas.






"It is difficult to get people to understand something when their salary depends upon them not understanding it."

- Upton Sinclair

Most key leaders and professional people are super ecozombies. Their insensitivity to nature-love is an unstated requirement for being leaders in our nature detached society.

As the state of the world shows, our leaders often lead us further astray.








"The heart of our unsolvable problems is psychological. We are in denial. We deny that we are addicted to a false story that says: 'For us to live we must conquer, exploit and subdue nature.'

Every other being in nature survives in cooperative balance through attractions that build consensual, mutually supportive relationships. NSTP enables us to think and act this way, too."

-Michael J. Cohen

In the past decade, research has produced a simple, nature-reconnecting process, that, like a card game, anybody can learn, teach and enjoy. It is a psychological science called the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP). It enables any person or organization to rehabilitate our inborn love of nature. The increased energies of that love reduce the stress and disassociation that underlies a wide variety of our behavioral, learning, and wellness disorders.

In any natural area, backyard or back country, NSTP empowers a person to make conscious sensory contact with nature's intelligence, balance and beauty and incorporate it in their thinking. This therapeutically nurtures our 53 (not just five) natural senses that inherently register and convey our love of nature. They strengthen and increasingly remain in our awareness. People enjoy and bond with them. They help us think sensitively, in more balanced, responsible ways, as nature intended.

The Natural Systems Thinking Process is used by environmentally caring counselors, teachers, and students; physicians, ministers and non-professionals. It contains 127 teachable nature connecting ecopsychology activities along with books, articles and courses that explain how and why the activities work.

Those of us that have not added NSTP to our lives or profession are not doing all we easily can do in the service of personal and global sanity




 "We have dramatically increased our program's effectiveness by adding the Natural Systems Thinking Process to it. It enables our participants to connect with their sensory origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their relationships with self, society and the environment. "

- James Rowe, Director, Outward Bound School, Costa Rica


"The results of using NSTP were even happier, more practical and lasting than those from the "Survivor" TV shows. We did not compete for a million dollars but what wealth we gained! Using local natural areas, we learned how to sustainably live in supportive balance with each other and the environment. We were all winners, as will be those with whom we share the nature reconnecting process."

- Carol Biggs, Counselor-Naturalist, Alaska




For the wellness of people and our planet home, learn and teach NSTP. Rehabilitate nature's responsible, loving, intelligence that lies in yourself and others.

Keywords: new, free, simple, available, subsidized, responsible, teachable, rewarding, online.



"At root, ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care. We have made it into a rational/activist project and lost sight of its heart."

- Thomas Moore


We live in troubled times. For this reason we urge you to take advantage of the nature reconnecting benefits of NSTP. They enable you to meet your need for belonging, peace and wellness.

Help produce sustainable personal and global sanity by freeing our innate love of nature from its imprisonment in our mentality. In turn, NSTP will help you increase your effectiveness, marketability, and citizenry.

"The timely sound theory and well grounded experience of this program demands its use by enlightened people. I find its personalized, sensory-focused activities gently, safely lead adults and children back outdoors. In our struggle to find connectedness and meaning it allows the natural world to nurture a responsible growing edge of culture."

- Bill Hammond, Director of Curriculum Services,
Florida Advisory Council on Environmental Education.



Full information:
for online NSTP training books, courses, .degree programs, financial aid, and activities.


Note: email us
to learn how your organization or website can reproduce this article and/or responsibly produce income by promoting or selling tickets to these courses or our training books.




ORIENTATION COURSE: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

An exciting, inexpensive ($35), three-week, blend of shared, online activity, information and training with credit optional. Learn by doing. Become a practitioner anywhere. This is a free course if it meets your needs, a transferable prerequisite for additional courses, degrees and participation. The course is our best, most complete and useful way to help nature restore genuine humanity in contemporary society. It opens new vistas in academics, counseling, spirit and wellness that recycle and purify destructive thinking.



Einstein's World: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity A non-fiction, metaphor, book and reading course. It helps you reverse ecozombie disorders while at home. You can take it, teach it and be paid, too. Credit available. Book $15.00, Course $20.00. Optional Credit $40.00


NOTE: email us to learn how your organization or website can responsibly produce income by promoting or selling tickets to these courses or our training books.




 "Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace."

- Albert Schweitzer,
Nobel Peace Prize, l950 






Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Department of Integrated Ecology Project NatureConnect
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250

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 Links: earthday activities, sensory deprivation, ecopsychology in action, webstring ecology International Community Ecopsychology nature healingy greenbook


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