HOTLINE TRUTH: Remedy the core of sexism and abuse. Stop eviscerating Mother Earth.

Project NatureConnect

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.  360.378.6313


Invoking 54-Sense GreenWave Wisdom Stops the Violation of Mother Nature, Women and their Children.


Invoke honesty via the greatest truth in your live that you can trust.

The whole life truth of Albert Einstein’s revolutionary natural area GreenWave wisdom transforms into love the personal/planetary abuse and pain that we suffer. Our cruel relationships result from us imposing deceitful stories and acts on the life of our earth mother, around, in and as us. Our agony detaches us from what, moment-by-moment, Mother Nature loves our body, mind and spirit into being. Authentic, 54-sense natural area reconnections organically heal our wounds and help us help others to do the same .



Our personal and global disorders result from us imposing scientifically limited stories on the ever growing and changing organic ways of the natural world, around, in and as us.

The erroneous facts we embrace injuriously detach us from what, biologically, Mother Nature, moment-by-moment, loves our body, mind and spirit into being.

Since Earth Day, 1970, alarming studies show a human caused, yearly, global increase in most personal, social and environmental disorders.

Our degeneration of our earth mother demands that we invoke the presently omitted, undeniable, organic truth that reverses the runaway abuse, sexism and infringement of Mother Nature along with the rights of all people, especially women.

The deterioration of the life of our planet does not exclude men. Their sexism is too often created by mothers who were sexually abused and could not give them sufficient love as children.

We omit the strongest remedy for this sexist outrage rather than apply Nature’s ability in a natural area to recycle and remedy our hurt and biased thoughts and feelings. That backyard or backcountry experience stops this injustice.

“The unseen core of sexism is our society’s widespread prejudice against our earth mother. Its core is our unreasonable stories and attitudes about the life of Mother Nature, in, around and as us. Its remedy is scientific, readily available, 54-sense, ‘Whole truth and nothing but the truth,’ facts.”

We are part of Nature. It is a profound hallucination to think that our lives can get better while our planet mother gets sicker.

Our emotional bonds to unreasonable stories, attitudes and beliefs about the natural world prejudicially won’t allow us to validate or practice the organic art and science of Albert Einstein’s, 54-sense Revolutionary Wisdom. The latter is a powerful, if not the only, heartfelt antidote for our destructive male chauvinism against the life of Mother Earth and our life as part of it.”

We suffer because our abuse of Nature cannot injure the womb that is our earth mother and not injure us.

A Revolutionary Wisdom 54-sense wellness book empowers us to revive our inherent, but suppressed, 54-sense love for the authentic core of Mother Nature that is alive in all natural areas and each of us. The prejudicial warp from our suppression of our 54-senses produces our excessive disconnection and devaluing of Nature’s purifying balance and beauty in and around us.


In metaphor, our excessive disconnection from Mother Nature’s supportive ways produces discomforts that motivate us to compensate by enjoyably driving an exciting, advanced technology automobile. This car provides sensory fulfillments and high-tech relief that temporarily replaces our loss of nature’s love.

In our exhilaration, as we speed our vehicle down the highway, it alarms us to see we will careen into a group of families having wonderful, 54-sense experiences in a beautiful natural area.

Since we have not yet learned to master the Revolutionary Wisdom braking and steering system for our car, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will halt as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “whoa” or “STOP.”  It is as if the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or that it understands our words.

These reactions are unscientific and outdated. They do not control our high-tech car so we wreak the agonizing havoc of Earth Misery on that natural area’s wonderful people, places and things as well as on ourselves as passengers, no less the car.

Our runaway vehicle is controlled and our wounds healed by learning how to grow relationships using Revolutionary Wisdom. It is the art of adding the rational emotion/passion of a science and technology “steering and braking system” to our lives. We learn how to invoke RW while in the now, non-verbal, space/time balancing and purifying powers of natural areas.

Revolutionary Wisdom provides us with the ways and means to attain the responsible satisfactions and mutually beneficial relationships that we seek as we support the life of our earth mother’s natural area and people rather than runaway exploit them.13



Grok it! Albert Einstein’s Organic Revolutionary Wisdom Improves Every Relationship

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.2


Stop the madness and corruption: things go better

with the beautiful truth of a natural area.


Responsible happiness: invoke five suppressed truths of Nature that stop our/your world from falling apart.


Increasing Disorders

If you don’t believe your own observations, incontestable research shows that personal, social and environmental disorders are continuing to increase and the world is falling apart.5

You can be happier by being more responsible to your livelihood, community and self. Simply take ten minutes to acquaint yourself with the wisdom of Albert Einstein’s revolutionary, but suppressed, unified field remedy for our snowballing relationship catastrophe.

Personally and globally Revolutionary Wisdom17 empowers us to make 54-sense organic contact3 with natural areas that attract us, backyard or back country. The experience transforms our problems, great and small, into rewarding interactions that are super-sensible and fully reliable truths.

The flawless, 54-sense facts of Revolutionary Wisdom are the missing keys that we desperately need to silhouette our slipshod stories and apply reasonable alternatives for them.  This helps our otherwise, “too painful” experiences to transform into practical love contacts and their delight.


The Revolutionary Wisdom Process

A Great Trustable Truth of your life (GTT) is that if you pinch yourself and you feel it, you are alive. This is a scientific, self-evident reality. No other proof is needed, you 54-sense it. It naturally registers and blends into your body, mind and spirit.

This GTT pinching experience is a reasonable, exact and repeatable phenomenon for you and for any other person as well. It is a commonly held fact of life that is more true and authentic than 2 + 2 = 4.

Revolutionary Wisdom results from, in 1936, an “abused” child, Michael Cohen, Ed.D, Ph.D, at age six, stopping his abuse and recovering from its detrimental effects. He accomplished this in natural areas by successfully discovering, validating and applying his GTT to beneficially gain and apply additional GTT facts of life in any relationship.

It soon became common-sense (54-sense) organic and rational for him to help others benefit from doing the same while in the web-of-life of a natural area and the GTT of its life. That practice is the core of Revolutionary Wisdom today.

Revolutionary Wisdom guarantees beneficial GTT improvements for us as we learn its GTT Revolutionary Wisdom, 54-sense process of educating, counseling and healing with Nature.

How can we begin to effectively deal with the rampant lies, corruption and destructiveness of our society if we don’t know or invoke the Revolutionary Wisdom truth of our lives that our central way of thinking denies?
(Explore this at


Strengthen Personal and Global Balance by 85%

Things go better when you have the ability to add the prime powers of Nature to any thought, sensation or association.13 You feel the world thank you as, free of charge, you and the environment instantly benefit from Nature’s five fundamental truths while you help other people and Earth’s web of life do the same.

Experience this for yourself.  Do you recognize that this first of the five truths is irrefutable so you can fully trust it?


Undeniable Truth #1.

Nothing in Nature speaks or understands words or stories. Throughout the life of our planet only humans can relate through our special sense of literacy.

Our accurate nature-connecting GTT stories about how life works help us relate to our planet and each other in mutually beneficial ways.

Our false stories about Nature disconnect us from its GTT wisdom and mislead us. This makes our personal, social and environmental relationships deteriorate.


Earth Misery

Scientific research validates that, with our full knowledge, in the 48 years since Earth Day, 1970, our erroneous, nature-exploitive stories and relationships have eliminated 45% of the world’s species. This has been accompanied by a 45% increase in climate change, resource depletion, mental illness, obesity, loneliness, mass shootings and excessive stress disorders. In addition, abuse, corruption and addiction have similarly increased.5

To our loss and cost, we have yet to identify the source of this heartbreak no less acknowledge or invoke the Revolutionary Wisdom antidote for it.

Since 1949, our contemporary way of thinking has knowingly trained us to  five-sense focus on and applaud the human spirit and our technological prowess while ignoring the “gestalt” provided by its 54-sense background. It discloses that we have, by 45%, depleted the material and sensory-emotional resources we and the natural world need to sustain each other in healthful balance. This has led us to

a) injure the life of our planet including each of us,8
b) omit the therapeutic, GTT Revolutionary Wisdom remedy for this tragedy
c) hallucinate that without using Revolutionary Wisdom we can legitimately get well while the world gets sicker.
d) ignore that in Nature “lunch”is not free, everything “feeds” everything else.
d) deny the fact that Nature bats last.

In summary, our earth miseries result from us uniquely imposing scientifically limited or inaccurate, static-truth stories on the ever growing and changing space/time ways of the natural world, around, in and as us. These erroneous facts injuriously detach us from what moment-by-moment loves us into being.

An example of Revolutionary Wisdom truth

The two statements in bold, below have been designed and offered as identical.  Are they?

“Two plus two equals four”
identical with
“Two plus two equals four”

Since the second statement is an electronically printed copy of the first, we gain approval when we accurately report that the statements are identical. In addition, society seeks, pays and applauds us for our ability to be precise and strengthen our society’s interests.

GTT Revolutionary Wisdom adds an undeniable truth of Nature to this process. Its groundbreaking fact is significant because in our nature-depleted condition, every time we omit this fact we increase Earth Misery.

The additional truth is that when you read them, the two statements are never in the same time and space on this page. For this reason, they are never identical. They are always different time and place information. The angle bracket symbol (>) notates this fact.

We learn to overlook, as well, that by the time we read the second equation our lives are additional heartbeats, breaths, thoughts, feelings and metabolic changes different.

This scientific, space/time truth of the now (>) is “momentous” because it is also absolutely true for each changing moment-by-moment of the totality of the life of Nature, Earth and us.11

Our dualistic, “two worlds” phenomenon consists of 1) our story truth and 2) the truth of Nature’s non-story, now, space/time Universe (>).

Sadly, our established thinking and relating story-world excludes or demeans Mother Nature’s, 54-sense, non-story, now communications to us.3

Since Nature’s birth in and as the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, it’s life has self-generated the moment-by-moment space and time it builds for itself to grow and survive without words.11

Since that beginning of time, Nature has organized itself in attractive and evenhanded ways. As a seamless continuum, moment-by-moment, it creates new balanced and beautiful optimums of life, unity, diversity, community, transformation, peace and cooperation.14

Throughout the life of Mother Earth, Nature organically accomplishes its perfection wordlessly, without producing humanity’s stories. For this reason, our inaccurate stories thwart Nature’s self-correcting life processes. This results in today’s garbage, pollution, sexism and abusiveness. It was absent before the arrival of humanity.

Our miseries subside when we add the scientific art and truth of GTT Revolutionary Wisdom(RW) to how we interact.15 RW enables us in the now (>) to think and relate using appropriate labels, stories and acts that genuinely, 54-sense, connect us with non-literate Nature in natural areas, backyard or back country.   In them, Nature is the fountainhead of authority on how it works so, there, our 54-senses can register its authenticity, in which they were created. 

Doing this makes time and space moments for our in-common 54-sense intelligence to balance and heal it/us.3 Each instant is a GTT moment of personal and global sanity that we can find at will.

Our sense of reason can create these now moments in natural areas so that Earth can teach us what we need to know.  This enables us to add Nature’s space/time truth ( > ) to our stories to make them accurate.7

Our diverse stories about how to unify for peace, well-being and happiness continue to fail.  This is because each place that they differ from each other they produce separation, not unity.  As Earth Misery demonstrates, that “we agree to disagree” is not enough.

What our stories hold in common is that they omit or mislabel the unifying glue of the Universe that they desperately need to coalesce. That glue is Nature’s space/time, moment-by-moment, singularity and its 54-sense GTT communication with us in the Unified Field (>).3, 18

We can make reasonable decisions about dealing with our increasing earth-misery disaster if we don’t deny its cause and RW remedy. The culprit is our emotionally bonded inappropriate stories that deny the undeniable.

Our stories also omit that takes less than an hour to begin to apply the organic unifying glue, free, via PNC white paper #14  (

Why support or be a leader or expert that does not help us apply the 54-sense GTT methods and materials of RW6 instead of continuing to intensify Earth Misery?  None of us is immune to the  sickening effects of the latter.

If not you, who is going to help us eliminate the source of our lies and corruption? Our experts identify our problems but they don’t give us the 54-sense tools we need to solve them.


Additional Truths

Those who are sensible enough to value the information in the RW Undeniable Truth #1 information, above, have the ability to benefit from these additional evidence-based RW facts of Nature.

Undeniable Truth #2.

People can instantly experience that each of us has a singular GTT in our lives that we can fully trust and often seek. It is not Nature, God, Love or Honesty so, to our cost, we learn to ignore it as we search for it. 19

Undeniable Truth #3.

By definition, scientifically and in reality, fundamentally, all things are held together by natural attraction, not duct tape, from sub-atomic particles and energies, to the web-of-life, to Galaxies and Einstein’s Unified Field.12

Undeniable Truth #4.

We have 54 GTT natural senses, not just five, that, for the survival of all, directly respond to people, places and things in pure balanced and peaceful ways.3

Think about this: how can we possibly think sensibly when, for starters, our self-evident senses of Thirst, Reason, Music, Temperature and Love are not included in our five senses?

Can our sense of reason be assured, trusted and reasonable if it knows that we have five senses and it, along with 49 others, must be imaginary since they are not one of the five?

Undeniable Truth #5.

Any form of love is a coalescing togetherness. The scientific essence of personal and global love is Nature’s Unified Field.18 Its self-organizing GTT attraction powers, moment-by-moment, sustain, modify, and benefit us as well as all other things, as we register and apply its 54-sense Revolutionary Wisdom while in an attractive natural area.

Because the life of our planet is continuing to deteriorate, any education, therapy or relationship that omits the RW natural truths, above, increases our nature-isolated attachment to misleading information.9 This further damages Earth and us.

For this reason, it is biologically, ethically and morally negligent to continue to omit the experience of GTT Revolutionary Wisdom (RW) therapy and recovery from our thoughts, feelings and relationships.21

RW has been available for 33 years. Its continued exclusion violates our inalienable rights to unadulterated life and speech.16


Our Major Challenge

We suffer our problems because we live excessively nature-disconnected lives. This is not organic. It deprives us of the GTT RW support from Nature that we need to feel fully loved, sane and secure.20

We experience abandonment, discontent and isolation as we extremely exclude our 54-sense contact with Nature’s love for its/our life.  On average, we only spend 12 hours of our 620,000-hour lifetime in now, 54-sense tune with Nature’s space/time perfection in natural areas. We are reduced to this because our emotional attachments to our inaccurate, prejudiced against nature stories applaud and reward us for separating from the natural. 1

To replace the satisfactions we lose due to the nature-detached suppression and deterioration of 49 of our natural senses, we unduly trespass or abuse our personal lives, each other and the environment.

To avoid re-living our wounds from being hurt and mistreated this way, we escape the pain by, in the now, acting out on others what was done to us. This short circuit further produces Earth Misery.

Things that trespass us hurtfully damage the ability of our 54 natural senses to make sense of our lives. This makes us become distressed and wanting individuals who overly seek satisfactions from artificial imitations of Nature along their adverse side effects.10 This is a harmful substitute for our damage to Nature’s lasting, 54-sense love and wisdom. We want so there is never enough. That corruption is what makes us greedy, excessive and aggressive.



All of the above, in metaphor, is like our nature-disconnection discomfort spurs us to enjoyably drive an exciting, advanced technology automobile. The car provides sensory fulfillments and high-tech relief that temporarily replaces our loss of nature’s love. In our exhilaration, as we speed our vehicle down the highway, it alarms us to see we will careen into a group of families having wonderful 54-sense experiences in a beautiful natural area.

Since we have not yet learned to master the Revolutionary Wisdom braking and steering system for our car, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will halt as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “whoa” or “STOP.”  It is as if the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or that it understands our words.

These reactions are unscientific and outdated. They do not control our high-tech car so we wreak the agonizing havoc of Earth Misery on that natural area’s people, places and things as well as on ourselves as passengers, no less the car.

Our runaway vehicle is controlled and our wounds healed by learning how to grow relationships using Revolutionary Wisdom. It is the art of adding an organic science and technology “steering and braking system” to our lives by  invoking RW while in the now, non-verbal, space/time balancing and purifying powers of natural areas.

“Our emotional bonds to unreasonable stories, attitudes and beliefs about the natural world won’t allow us to validate or practice the organic art and science of Albert Einstein’s, 54-sense Revolutionary Wisdom. The latter is a powerful, if not the only, antidote for our destructive male chauvinism against the life of Mother Earth,”

RW provides us with the ways and means to attain the responsible satisfactions and mutually beneficial relationships that we seek as we support the life of the natural area and humankind rather than runaway exploit it.13


Healing with attitude

GTT Revolutionary Wisdom is a habitual, fiduciary way of knowing that we can attach to any relationship or discipline by co-mentoring each other how to apply it.

Each sentence in the RW organic psychology book that teaches us how to co-mentor RW, is self-evident true because we only read the book in the now of an attractive natural area.17 There we learn to authentically 54-sense GTT connect with and register nature-accurate information from the area itself (>) in conjunction with every sentence in the book.

We forever benefit from each moment we experience and validate in words the natural world’s inherent love to support itself and us in balance.

Question: can you identify the Bosses that manipulate you and society so you do not add GTT Revolutionary Wisdom to your life and livelihood? Would you like to instantly be more reasonable than them and their Earth Misery stories?

Our society’s established dominance rewards the Boss with money, power and prestige that emotionally attach them to their role.

It will similarly pay you for your RW skills to stop their destructive madness wherever it exists, in and around us.

Earth misery demands, “No matter your profession or social status, invoke your international rights to unadulterated life and free speech happiness.16 Learn to think, relate and teach GTT Revolutionary Wisdom in the now so you can improve any situation in a good way. Be remunerated for co-mentoring your RW expertise because it is sorely needed, as shown by our life without it.”

If you think you might enjoy remedying earth misery rather than dancing to the tunes of Industrial Society that increase it.

  • visit Join its RW expedition
  • call Mike Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. 2 360-378-6313
  • read
  • inform people that RW is available.17
  • invoke your inalienable right to life in balance and free speech.



  1. Cohen, M. J. (1983). Prejudice Against Nature: [Online] Available:
  2. Cohen, M. J. (1993) The training ground of a nature-connected expert. [Online] Available:
  3. Cohen, M. J. (1995). Embrace Organic Psychology/GreenWave-54 [Online] Available:
  4. Cohen, M. J. (1997). Reconnecting with Nature, EcoPress. [Online] Available:
  5. Cohen, M. J. (2001) The state of planet earth and us. [Online] Available:
  6. Cohen, M. J.  (2008).  Educating, counseling, and healing with nature.   Illumina.   [Online] Available:
  7. Cohen, M. J. (2009) How to transform destructive thinking into constructive relationships. [Online] Available:
  8. Cohen, M. J.  (2010).  Planet Earth is a Living Organism. [Online] Available:
  9. Cohen, M. J. (2011) Thinking and learning with all nine legs. [Online] Available:
  10. Cohen, M. J. (2011a). The anatomy of institutions. [Online] Available:
  11. Cohen, M. J. (2012). A new Copernican revolution. (2012). Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. [Online] Available:
  12. Cohen, M. J. (2013). The great Einstein sensory equation dance. [Online] Available:
  13. Cohen, M. J. (2013a) The hidden organic remedy: Nature as higher Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1. [Online] Available:
  14. Cohen, M. J. (2014) he Unified Field: Explore Nature’s Wisdom? [Online] Available:
  15. Cohen, M. J. (2015). A Survey of Nature-connected learning participants. [Online] Available:
  16. Cohen, M. J. (2016). With Justice for All. [Online] Available:
  17. Cohen, M. J. (2017). Revolutionary Wisdom: Organic Therapy/Psychology in Action [Online]
  18. Cohen, M. J. (2017a). The Scientific Core of all Known Relationships: Attraction is Conscious of What it is Attracted to. International Journal of Physical and Social Science, Vol 7, Issue 6 [Online]
  19. Cohen, M. J. (2018) How to Liberate Your Natural Essence
  20. Cohen, M.J. (2018) The Greening of Psychotherapy (updated) The Interpsych Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 4 Online  Available
  21. Mallory, S. (2017). Transforming Pain into Love Through Sensory Connections with Nature [Online] Available: