Institute of Global Education,
Special NGO consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council
Project NatureConnect



Thank you for choosing to visit our site and your interest in personal and global wellness. Here's some ways of determining if this program is for you:

Have you ever experienced any of these "symptoms?"

- had a good experience in nature that heightened your sensory awareness and delight in being alive?

- loved a pet, plant or natural place that made life more worthwhile?

- felt greater love for a person or people while in a natural area?

- loved Mother Earth as you would a caring human parent that you loved?

- had strong sensations about connections between yourself and nature that you know are real but can't be easily explained?

- felt angry about how we injure or destroy the natural environment and/or its people?

- longed for a livelihood that contributed to personal and global balance rather than exploited Earth and people?

- noticed that in nature personal disorders subside, stress fades, counseling and education are more effective and you can think more clearly?

If you have had just one of these symptoms, Project NatureConnect enables you to make a greater contribution to the welfare of yourself, society and the environment. You have important nature connecting abilities that too often you have learned to ignore. This program nurtures them so that you can make a greater contribution to life in balance.

Our extreme separation from nature has produced a short circuit in our thinking. We think we can resolve our personal and global problems by using the same nature disconnected thinking process that causes them.

Through the NATURAL SYSTEMS THINKING PROCESS, on these web pages we provide you with distant learning activities, books, courses, and degree programs that help you learn how to think and relate in balance, like nature works. We also offer on-site training experiences. Each of these resources has proven to produce environmentally and socially responsible personal growth and self-improvement.

We invite you to learn by doing. Join us by taking our Orientation Course online.

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Project Director


GUARANTEED! If you have ever had any of the "symptoms" described above, in the next three minutes you will make a fascinating sensory breakthrough simply by reading a few paragraphs about webstrings. (if you have not already read them elsewhere on this site)

for the paragraphs

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Some things to think about:

the madness..Do you know the greatest truth in you life that you can trust? (Hint: It is neither God, honesty, love nor nature.) Aren't you vulnerable without knowing it?

The Natural Systems Thinking Process identifies this truth and shows you how to use and teach it at will.

REMINDER: The best way to learn the Process is to engage in it through our short, online Orientation Course


the madness...Do you know the five simple steps that let nature help us reduce our resistance to beneficial change?

The Natural Systems Thinking Process empowers you to effectively use and teach these steps every day..

REMINDER: The best way to learn the Process is to engage in it through our short, online Orientation Course


the madness...Can you act and feel sane if you are a good citizen of an insane society?

Natural Systems Thinking Process enables you to think in sane, globally balanced ways. .

REMINDER: The best way to learn the Process is to engage in it through our short, online Orientation Course


the madness. When should you trust leaders or authorities who have low Globally Balanced Thinking Scores?

The Natural Systems Thinking Process empowers you to make this determination and help correct wayward leadership, too.

REMINDER: The best way to learn the Process is to engage in it through our short, online Orientation Course


Institute of Global Education,
Special NGO consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council

Project NatureConnect
Dr. Micheal J. Cohen, Director
Faculty: Greenwich University
Adjunct Faculty: Portland State University
send e-mail

P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250


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