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The Natural Systems Thinking Process

A powerful, sensory, nature reconnecting tool empowers us to restore to health the numbed areas of our psyche that limit our reasoning and create our disorders.



...,,,,,,,A pioneer in nature connected learning and psychology, Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. recently passed by a homeless person lying on the sidewalk and successfully diminished a feeling of sadness that would usually overcome him. He became aware that the continuing degradation of people and the planet may have begun to harden him, as it has so many of us.

...,,,,,,,Cohen believes we subconsciously learn to numb ourselves to the state of the world because part of us has given up hope. We feel overwhelmed by our inability to produce the heaven on earth that our soul innately knows and constantly seeks. Globally and locally, we and the environment are bulldozed by power hungry, desensitized, big money interests that exploit and control the natural world and people. Often helpless, sometimes in despair, we protect ourselves from the pain of this assault upon life's integrity, including the integrity of our personal lives. We are driven to find gratification where we can, too often in rewarding, immediate relationships that have destructive side effects and add to our troubles.

......,,,,,,,Cohen recognizes that we can neither implement our deeper ideals nor reverse our disorders if we do not have an effective process that enables us attain these important goals. He takes solace in the realization that through his tireless efforts this process is readily available. He is heartened because people are increasingly benefitting from it.

......,,,,,,,,Since 1959, Cohen has researched a sensory science, a unique way of relating that effectively addresses the core of our challenging personal and global problems. We who have become expert in his work have helped write this book because we know from experience that his process should not be ignored. Cohen sums it up in his description of a course he facilitates: "This course will teach you a simple, nature-connecting tool. It is easily accessible and practical. It will help you learn to use connections with nature to reduce stress, heal disorders, improve your personal and professional relationships and enjoy more rewarding life-styles. It will give you the means to bring personal, social and environmental interactions into balance."

,......,,,,,,,Our purpose in writing The Web of Life Imperative is to teach you important things about the natural systems within and around you that the powers of contemporary culture seldom want you to know. Industrial society usually urges us to suppress rather than nurture our inborn, natural way of thinking if for no other reason than it is cost free and independent. Empowering yourself with Cohen's Natural Systems Thinking Process helps you restore and enjoy the rewarding benefits of the way nature works to produce its perfection.

,......,,,,,,Most people recognize that if we are to live in wellness and peace with ourselves, each other, and the environment, as have other


cultures, it is imperative that we engage in a process that enables us to accomplish this task. Our great thinkers have provided us with hundreds of profound ideas about what is wrong and what should be done. What they have not provided, however, is a readily available process each of us can use to implement the best of these ideas. By following its instructions, this book teaches you that process.

......,,,,,,,NSTP results from an accidental discovery that Cohen made in 1952 while visiting a wild park area near Columbia University in New York City where he was a graduate student in Natural Science and Counseling. He observed in a group of students and faculty something that he had often felt in himself. While visiting this attractive natural area the group experienced a reduction of their stress and an increase in happy feelings and wellness. Cohen recognized that this was something he himself had always enjoyed when he was out in nature. Mentored by Dr. Paul F. Brandwein and Dr Willard Jacobson, Cohen decided to investigate why this was so. Since that time he has concentrated on discovering ways to strengthen this valuable phenomenon because he feels strongly attracted to relieve human and environmental suffering.

......,,,,,, Cohen believed that natural systems in humans, as in the environment, have an inherent capability to build relationships that sustain life and health. He could see that the rest of the natural world does this with ease, but that contemporary humanity, although part of nature, had learned to ignore this gift. He has since taught thousands of people hundreds of short, easy, hands-on activities that help them discover and enjoy it.

......,,,,,,,Cohen has lived, learned and taught almost exclusively in natural areas for the past four decades. During this time, he has increasingly recognized that while people are part of nature, our excessively nature-separated lives remove us from nature's healing ways. This stresses and deteriorates our thinking, health and spirit. It reduces our nurturing by nature including its continual restoration of our natural intelligence. This loss causes us to produce and suffer personal, social and environmental problems. In an Internet web site (http://www. ecopsych.com/integrity101.html) Cohen identifies this disorder as a distinct, destructive Natural Attraction Desensitization Syndrome (NADS). More important, he has developed a preventative and antidote; a Natural Systems Thinking Process that helps us reverse NADS. The Process consists of scientifically developed activities, readings and courses that are sensory and nature-reconnecting. They produce empirical knowledge and empower our thinking to participate in transforming NADS into more constructive and responsible relationships with ourselves, others and the environment.

......,,,,,,,Most people understand that disconnection from nature causes problems. And it makes perfect sense to them, theoretically, that reconnecting with nature must be a solution. However, what most people have trouble understanding is why and how the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) works. Therefore, even when they see for themselves the beneficial results, they sometimes resist trusting the process and giving credibility to its use and effectiveness.

......,,,,,,,NSTP works because, back yard or back country, it enables people to create thoughtful moments in natural areas that let nature itself teach them what they need to know in order to restore into consciousness the wisdom and integrity of their natural intelligence.





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The Web of Life Imperative by Michael J. Cohen. Ed.D and expert co-authors.

Publisher: Institute of Global Education and Trafford Publishing.

Release Date: July 15, 2003. Pre-publishing copies may be available by April, 2003. Email for information

Contains: 148, full size, 8 1/2 x 11 inch, Perfect Bound. illustrated pages containing empirical principals, knowledge, and learning activities as well as opportunities for internships, jobs and degrees.

Price: $35.00. Subsidized copies are available through a grant from IGE.
When the book is purchased from IGE, a percentage of the book's price supports further distribution of the book and its companion books, as well as scholarships for courses and degree programs.

Institute of Global Education Project NatureConnect
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com