XXX Dr. Mike’s GreenWave Intelligence Blog

Hard hitting recovery for the life of a hard hit planet and its people.

NOTE: Scroll down to read the Menu of my Posted Blogs, directly below.



Michael J. Cohen, Founder, Director Project NatureConnect
“We are part of Nature and Earth, however, we live excessively Nature-disconnected lives. This causes our inner nature to feel the pain of abandonment from our life-giving Mother Earth. This phenomenon is the source of our wide range of psycho-emotional disorders including Earth Misery Day.  It is why things go better when we reconnect our senses to Nature.
We suffer our troubles simply because we deny that we can, at will, use our  
GreenWave Intelligence to reconnect ourselves with authentic Nature.”




The Warrantied Six Guiding GreenWave Principles of Michael J. Cohen’s Maverick Genius Blog.  (See the GreenWave Intelligence Inventory and its Equation)..


1. A human being is a 54 sense living organism whose unique sense of language (#39) can create fiction or non-fiction stories as well as speak and understand them and build relationships around them.

2. Planet Earth is a highly sensitive living organism that, minus humanity, can neither create nor communicate with stories. Instead its eons of biodiversity builds, communicates and relates via the attraction energy power of Nature’s self-correcting balance and beauty. Earth’s life accomplishes this without producing garbage, abusiveness, pollution or war. Everything is attractive, everything belongs.


3. All things only exist in the now moment dance of the GreenWave Big Bang Unified Field. When we consciously dance with the GreenWave it enables us to transform our nature-disconnected stories that produce our psychological disorders including Earth Misery Day, into scientifically accurate whole life stories. Because the latter include “subjective” sensory facts they unify all things.

4. Any moment we are aware that we are alive every aspect of Earth is also alive because they/we are all part of that moment’s time/space life of the GreenWave creating the life of its next moment.


5. All things are attractively connected with the exception of  our nature-disconnecting stories. Any natural attraction that we find in nature is nature in and as us doing the finding. “Repulsions” (senses #25-27) are sensory signals to find additional natural attractions for survival.

6. Learning to habitually connect our thinking and relationships with the GreenWave produces the fiduciary benefits of personal, social and environmental well-being.


My books for reference:
Reconnecting With Nature
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature
The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power


Menu of Posted Blogs

GreenWave Intelligence: Strengthen Peace. Stop the Madness. 

Orientation: Create Moments That Let Earth’s Life Strengthen its Wisdom In You

Discover your Natural “Maverick Genius”