The Global Community Study & Activity

A Reaction to Karen's story:

Just finished reading Karen's story, and found myself back at the small grist mill dam behind my house as a boy. Looking out over Nashoba Brook. Many hours I spent staring off into the water and large trees, sometimes even catching a fish or two. This I believed started when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Back then although there is no verbal remembrance of conversation...something very real happened to me, I felt at home. School and its structure, "Your in math class put on you thinking cap...Now take it off and put on your English thinking cap...Oh the bell just rang time for lunch line up single file" really confused me after I had spent so much time around the Brook and pond.

Did anyone ever find out where their mind went in-between times when you took your thinking caps off?? I did and they accused me of day dreaming, no I was just at the Brook where I learned that there truly was some form and order to the world. The fragmenting that occurred at school confused me and I was identified with a learning disability when at that time I was sure it was an educational disability that the educators( had/have) didn't know how to deal with. The paradigm shift that they would have to implement would have altered their fear based life forever. So un-like Karen I entered the scapegoat role for those around me.

Drugs became my true friend, at least I could trust them. And as we all know that only lasted a short while, because the very mind set that I was attempting to leave behind was creating the drugs and alcohol that I was paying for with my spirit and the total disconnection from the Real World.

Damn this addictive mind set anyway, damn the disconnection in Colorado. It seems to be so simple as I read this groups thoughts. Nature is conscious running on a true stream of continuous thought. My addictive cultures Damming Up, takes place when I/we attempted to fragment the natural world so we can have Dominion over it, the smaller the group the easier to control. Foster special interest groups and nothing ever has to change, no one has any focus for the future. Hells bells even squirrels know when its time to store food for the winter. I am so grateful to have returned to my true passion and life work which is directly related to bringing myself and others to a place where they can see that true success is found in the experience of the natural world and fostering Beauty and Love rather than Progress, production and then consuming.

Sorry folks I did find a small soap box, my only saving grace is that I speak my truth every where, and to all people, and sadly there a bunch of people that just "Don't Get It". So the rest of the time I ask in prayer that all people listen to the inner Truth that we were all born with, That we are not separate at all from the natural world.




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