Greenwich University
Applied Ecopsycology/Integrated Ecology


ECO 500

Elements of Global Citizenship:
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

(Portions of this page are repeated from the Project NatureConnect website.)


About the Natural System Thinking Process

Thank you for choosing to vist our site and your interest in sustaining personal and global balace.

Have you ever spent quality time in nature, moments when you loved the grandeur of a mountain, a wonderous tree or the freedom of the wind?

Have the spectacle of fall colors, sunlit clouds or a blanket of stars ever brought you joy?

The captivating enchantment in these perfect moments is our Earth bequeathed inheritance. Without directions from a teacher, class or book, the spellbinding connections themselves make us feel more wonderfully, wholly alive.

Connecting with nature plugs us back into our sensory origins in nature. We feelingly experience nature's seamless continuum, balance and beauty within and around us. Safely, it nurtures and energizes into our consciousness our suppressed inner selves, our inner nature.

By reconnecting, we enjoy the vibrance of life and our life in its natural state. We love ourselves and Earth as of old. When validated and sought, this restored love has shown to profoundly improve our thinking, wellness and relationships.


Do you recognize that conscious sensory contact with nature pyschologically rejuvenates us? If so, our research shows you have the skills to make a significant improvement in your life, the environment and the lives of many other people.

You may walk nature's path to a fulfilling livelihood, personal growth and environmental responsibility. You may find greater satisfaction, support and balance for yourself and those you love.

Sadly, although we are part of nature, we spend, on average, less than .00002% of our lives in conscious sensory contact with nature. The stress and hurt of our extreme disconnection from nature's womb of life underlies much of our destructive thinking and relationships.

Through this course, learn, enjoy and teach the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP,) a potent, nature reconnecting psychology. The Process scientifically enables us to keep the wise energies and joys of nature continually alive in us.

"Our life is what our thoughts make it."

NSTP consists of 124 unique nature connecting sensory activities. Backyard or backcountry, they empower our thinking to embrace nature's ways, balance and beauty. This therapeutically energizes our 53 inherent natural senses. It reduces stress and increases self-esteem, wellness and spirit. It empowers us to build supportive relationships and reverse environmental deterioration.

You may design for yourself a part time or full time position in public relations and/or as a facilitator, intern, student or administrator in the program.

You may enter our Ph.D. or Masters online Degree or Certificate Program and add a nature connected component to you personal or professional life.

You may become a personal coach or guide for those who need your assistance

No previous training is necessary because contact with Nature does much of the teaching and healing. Enjoy this unique, Earth based way of knowing that improves our lives and all of life. It is not a new age way of thinking, rather it is an age old process.

NSTP is a rewarding education and counseling breakthrough. It makes a strong contribution to self and global improvement through heightened natural sensory awareness. By learning simple techniques that strengthen conscious sensory contact with nature, people can begin to contact, think and relate through the intelligent process that produces Earth's beauty, health and balance. Visit the Project NatureConnect web site to learn more about the activities and programs that teach the Process



Based on 38 years of research in natural areas, ecopsychologist Dr. Michael J. Cohen in 1990 introduced a means for the public to make conscious sensory contact with nature and to integrate what is learned from that connection into daily reasoning. The use of his Natural Systems Thinking Process has been shown to help reverse and prevent personal and environmental problems.

Dr. Cohen believes the reconnecting with nature process is a missing link in the way we learn to think. He says, "Since its ancient beginnings, the global life community has operated like a superorganism that biologically supports, and is supported by, all its members - including humanity. To our loss, industrial society has physically and mentally separated us from that organism. Our destructive effects show that our thinking is missing input from the organism's intelligence, balance and beauty..."

Project NatureConnect is Dr. Cohen's gift to nature, his way of giving back something to the source of life itself. On July 29, 1994. The Board of Directors of the Institute of Global Education, a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization, announced that World Peace University Professor Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. was the recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award . This award honors his extraordinary 35 years as a founder of nature-connected education and mental health programs. His applied ecopsychology methods and materials help us produce greater global awareness and personal, social, and environmental responsibility.


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Friday Harbor, WA 98250
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