Institute of Global Education
Applied Ecopsycology/Integrated Ecology 
©Copyright 1996 Michael J. Cohen


Part 3 Orientation Course Instructions


What is the major task on the course? The major task in this course is to help meet the obligations and challenges that prevent it from operating smoothly and accomplishing its goal. The instructions on these pages help you and your course section participants best accomplish this. The instructions have been compiled from the questions and situations that have arisen since the inception of this course in 1993.

What challenges does the course present? It may be helpful to know that the adverse situations below have occurred during the seven years that the course has operated :
-improperly completing an application
-electronic email failure
-not studying the instructions carefully.
-incorrect email addresses
-internet overcrowding making web or mail pages inaccessible for a period of time.
-some member's newness to computers
-computer breakdowns
-personal life complications
-necessary schedule changes
-misunderstanding the instructions or a point made in the email.
-going off topic on an tangent that becomes controversial.
-not paying attention to the instructions and not helping others do likewise.
-sending requests for credit to the wrong place or at the wrong time

How have past participants met the course challenges? The group and its members meet the challenges listed above by-
-being extra familiar with the course operating instructions so that they can help others to be guided by them.
-being supportive and sharing their expertise
-being patient so folks have time to cope with difficulties
-seeking, obtaining and giving permission to make room for extenuating circumstances
-being their word. Making the words they convey accurately coincide with their actions on the course and vice versa

Is the course always successful?
The course process has always operated successfully since its inception. However, some groups have had more challenges to cope with than others
If questions arise, who do I contact?:
If questions arise you usually should write the whole group for answers, not just the facilitators. That way the group may learn from your questions and/or help answer them. Once you learn the answers, please share them with others when appropriate. Reminder: The mailing addresses of the group have been, or will be, sent to you once it is established..

What and why are the two course starting dates?
Usually the course has the two starting dates identified below. They are sent to you by email once the 3-6 course members have completed their registration
1. The days you personally start to complete your work on the prerequisite activities located at and checking your email contact list to see if its working This period is usually a minimum of Wednesday or Thursday through the following Sunday. Participants are encouraged to start earlier on these activities when convenient.
2. The First Official Posting Date for the course is usually a SUNDAY or MONDAY MORNING at which time you send your introductions and prerequisite reactions to the whole group mailing address list. Please do not send them before these days as they can unnecessarily influence others without personal contacts being established and thereby reduce your chances to get the most out of the course for yourself.

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