Institute of Global Education
Applied Ecopsycology/Integrated Ecology 
©Copyright 1996 Michael J. Cohen


Part 1 Orientation Course Instructions



What is the general course topic?
The Course topic is Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature: Nature connecting activities for wellness, spirit and deeper learning.

How is the course taught?
The course is taught via -readings in books (optional,) and on the Internet, -activities you do in local natural areas, -email that is used to receive and send instructions, share experience and respond to emails received.

How many hours of work does the course entail?
The Orientation Course is based on 8-10 hours minimum of participation in Email/course work and reading and an additional 20-30 hours of activities, email corresponding and organization.

What is the best way to learn the course material?
Retention and application of the course material may be as high as 85% or more by "teaching" the course (Co-Facilitating it) after completing it. That opportunity is usually available and it is a requirement of the Introductory Course (ECO 501) if you are in the IGE Cooperative Degree or Certificate program.

Do I have to take the course before I can facilitate it or intern in it?
This is highly recommended and a responsible thing to do, but it is not always required because some people have had previous training that gives them the expertise to facilitate/intern on the course. Their expertise is determined by their passing with honors a short 25 question Leadership Compatibility Examination designed by previous course students and guides.

Who are the course participants?

They are usually people who have strong interests in improving personal and environmental relationships and making them sustainable. They often have had many years of experience in their professions or social roles and know they must help solve our "unsolvable" problems because they can feel help is needed. They want to learn how they can best contribute. Many desire to support and nurture the natural spirit or other aspects of themselves that have survived society's conquest of nature, nature connected parts of their integrity that refuse to be disrespectful of Earth's ecosystems, locally and globally.

Please proceed to Part Two

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