Natural Systems Thinking Process


The Basic Element in Action

Prerequisite Activities:

A. To obtain familiarity with this program, its purpose and effects before sampling some of its process, read a short overview article, then return to this page.


B. To become aware of the Basic Element and its benefits, read this short description of it, then return to this page.


C. To obtain supportive contributions to your participation in this program, please temporarily sign up on the NATURECONNECT LIST. Write a short letter of introduction to the list members that shares with them how you feel about nature and what is happening to the environment and people. Then Continue to D.


D. When you complete items A- C above, send the following invitation to the NATURECONNECT LIST:


Hi NatureConnect List Members,

I am doing the invitational activities offered from the website and would sincerely appreciate your help. I invite you to share your experiences and you attractions to my postings of my activity experiences.

I look forward to hearing from you and welcome your help. I welcome any of you who are interested to do the invtational activities with me.




Email Contact:



E. Visit the Survey of Participants and select what you think are the two most important subject areas identified in the questions and statements found in parts two through six. (select the statements as you read through parts 2-6 , two statements from each part, 10 statements total.). Write a paragraph that integrates these attraction statements with respect to them being a reflection of your beliefs and values. Post your paragraph to NATURECONNECT LIST (be sure you signed up in C above) and respond to messages you may receive from the List.


Reminder: This Basic Element program uses articles and activities in public use elsewhere on our website. If you have already read or done material it presents, skim the article or activity for anything you find anything additionally attractive in it. Repeating attractive activities always brings about new growth. One thing to learn from repeated material is what purpose it serves for you and how you can find it again, or share it with others later.


When you have completed A-E above, go on to Activity One

